7th Secret – Spiritual Development = Catharsis

So HERE WE GO, the 7th Secret, the one where we explain what this is all about, kick it up a notch for big bad CATHARSIS. So, for those who know what this means – ‘A Pinch and a Punch, 1st of the month’, I wish you the very best of luck with this post.

By way of introduction, know that this is the most important post of them all so far, and will be for a while AS WE FOCUS YOUR MIND ON CATHARSIS as the point of all development methods – that everything you do spiritually is part of Catharsis at the start. Therefore we are ramping up the drama, making it compelling, but not in a false way – IT IS DRAMATIC, it’s a very big deal for many of you, so this change in style is REQUIRED.

See, this is a new kind of post, a KNOWLEDGE post, designed to cut patterns in your mind rather than just be an engaging read, much as I hope it still is. Be clear that this is different to the others, they are really for anyone interested who can read, while this is just for the gifted – we are not casting our net wide for ‘quantity’ here, we are spearfishing for ‘quality’. Without that gift, you simply won’t be able to cope with the density and pace of it, the breadth of it will overwhelm you very quickly and you will get annoyed. However, some will find it intriguing, ‘charming’ (in the right places for you) even, given you know what that word means – see we are looking for a ‘result’ today, for this to impact you, to motivate the gifted to TRY. Sorry (not sorry), but without any gift at all these words are just going to bounce right off you, and we are counting on that… Yep, there is no clickbait title this time, no glamorous image to attract you like some of the others – those posts need all the help they can get, whereas this one really does not, it will find you if you are ready for it.

Yep, this Post is for Grown-Ups who want to learn, we are not going to ‘soften it’ this time, not going to make it easier. There is more information in many single paragraphs than you will find in whole new age books, in places it is very detailed, very direct, and quite harsh, as all that is required now. Yep, this is the Left-Hand path honey-bunny, it’s not for day-trippers or dilettantes, the bored, the hungover, the anal, the fakes, the influencers, you must ‘commit’ to this one or don’t bother. This is for the ‘individuals’ of the world, not the herd…

Now, you need to do some prep… please check your mood – if you are feeling precious, angry, unhappy, unstable, or just generally ‘over it’ today, give it a miss. You MUST be up for the ‘struggle’ with this one, indeed it’s kind of the ‘point’ of this one – any bad mood will taint it. Feeling lost or depressed? try a strong drink, a hot bath, and an early night, not this post – the mood you read this in is important because it will affect your ‘level’ of understanding… Yes, there is a lot of important information in this Post, so turn off your phone and prepare for a challenging read, and 23,000 words at that…. Yes, you will need several sittings for this one, it’s designed that way, give you some time to process it before you return – so maybe bookmark it now. Yes, this is a biggie, but its a post I know many of you have been waiting a really long time for… know this one is REALLY WORTH THE EFFORT, BUT YOU NEED TO PUT THAT EFFORT IN.

So, you really need to bring your ‘A-game’ today, your best self, even have a little bit of a buzz on to appreciate it in the manner it’s INTENDED to be read, so you need to actively manage your mood state first – pull yourself together – preferably with music. Obviously, do what you wish, but maybe a little bit of ‘Get Down Tonight’ (fast version), KC & The Sunshine Band at their finest, works for me, never gets old. Sure, you may be younger, but just do the line dance from a live one in ’77 if you doubt me… But whatever works for you really – relax, put a smile on your face in a way you can feel it FIRST, bring your ‘game’ at whatever level of depth you may already possess, as you will need it. Then maybe listen to something mellow while you are reading, for example, the ‘Aria’, from the movie Layer Cake, Lisa Gerrard’s utterly amazing voice, but that’s probably a bit too supernatural for you just yet, a bit too ‘Grand Style of Character’. No matter, just play something ambient, Swan Lake, Wagner, hell even a bit of Donna Summer if you really must, but please no ‘Age of Aquarius’, we hate that here…

Fun fact for you – know that spiritual practice was the reason they invented songs, ie music as a repeated melody, (the cult of Dionysos from at least 3,300 years ago, with his twin pipes and hand drum), to help manage your mood, help speed up and perfect the METHOD. So try and move on from the current fad for forcing ‘modern’ crappy ‘mindfulness’ to ‘improve your mood for you’, we don’t do that here, cause that’s just stupid – your mood is your responsibility, you said you were a grown-up(?), so you know the primary difference between you and a child is ‘your’ ability to proactively manage your everyday mood, to ‘go against yourself’ if necessary, to ‘shake it off’. Go figure it out yourself, it’s easy really.

Got that? Right.. settle down, wind your neck in, and listen to the story… Let’s kick off by setting the scene and be super clear – the mechanism of ALL DEVELOPMENT, the point of ALL systems is CATHARSIS – the BIGGEST SECRET OF ALL TRADITIONS because this is how real development works FOR EVERYONE, IN EVERY SYSTEM, EVERY RELIGION, EVERY MYSTERY CULT, EVERY EAST ASIAN GURU. It is written through the rock of all Western traditions, the Greek Mystery schools are where the word actually comes from, 1000’s of years before Christianity used it, then later mistranslated it, and made it ‘moral’. It is also the mainstay of classic Buddhism, Zen, Daoism – yes, they don’t call it that, they focus on the results of it, on Kensho, on Satori, on Samadhi, even the high-end killer Royal state of them all ‘Samarasa’, which are all (sadly) mistranslated in the West as ‘Enlightenment’ – a term so bland, so partial and overused it has now become meaningless, so we NEVER use it.

Yes, there are other mechanisms, but they are all either preliminary, on the upslope toward (but before) Catharsis, OR they use the results of it, on the downslope, the other side (after) Catharsis – CATHARSIS IS KING OF DEVELOPMENT, IT IS NOT A GOAL OF SPIRITUALITY, BUT IT IS THE ONLY ‘WAY’ YOU ACHIEVE THOSE GOALS, WITHOUT IT SPIRITUALITY IS JUST A MIDDLE-CLASS HOBBY. In the modern world, this is Nietzsche’s ‘Path to Greatness’, this is Jungs ‘Individuation’, to our East Asian friends this is ‘Enlightenment’, even with the new agers, eg to Opra its her cheesy ‘Ahhh, Hahhh’ moments, even Tony Robbins has made a whole stage show out of using low level humiliation with Zen style ‘shocks’, it truly is everywhere. For us, the ancient Greeks, the ancient Egyptians and countless others, we use the word ‘CATHARSIS’ in its original sense – see we are all Ancient Greeks at heart here, on the 4th way…

Now over the years I’ve found that this secret of the 4th way HAS to be taught in a special way in order to ‘reach’ the gifted, as it’s quite a big leap for all of you who still think all spirituality is basically just ‘like’ Christianity BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU WERE TAUGHT AT SCHOOL, that its moral, about denial, about a creator god. So, you must make a big leap from what Society has told you, your generational Zeitgeist if you will, TO what is the actual truth, which at this level is VERY different. See you have patterns of incorrect information burnt in your head that we need to replace with better ones, correct ones, so this post is about NEW patterns of information, a lot of information, VERY FOCUSED INFORMATION. Indeed it’s so focused that even JUST READING THIS WILL CHANGE SOME OF YOU, the highly gifted, because some of you may quickly ‘get’ these patterns in ‘relation to your own experience’, and so get that the CATHARSIS mechanism IS ALREADY DOMINATING YOUR WHOLE LIFE… That is one of several ‘points’ of this post.

But let’s be honest, even with that I suspect many of you will FAIL this post, just give up 1500 words in, because that’s exactly how it is intended to work… See, this is only for the gifted few – the ‘exercise in style’ (sorry Nietzsche) this post is written in is actually designed to act as a gatekeeper, a nightclub ‘bouncer’ on the door of understanding. Mmmmm, a bit right-wing? sure it is… A bit like a formulaic TV character, the mean old master with a heart of gold who tells you he wants you to quit, as he is trying to build your ‘character’? Yep, just like that – frankly all a bit crass in places, a bit cringy, trite (look it up) even…or so ‘you’ may think. But HEY, thank god I don’t need to tell YOU to ‘toughen up a bit’, get a bit harder – your badass, you can take some shit and bounce right back, can’t you? You find certain kinds of ‘fear’ quite refreshing, whilst other types are just bloody funny, you actually seek that crap out, you like a bit ‘EXTRA’… Well, lets hope you do… See, this is not Woo Woo, this is not Woke, ‘we’ are not ‘Nice’… you must ‘earn’ the ‘next level of understanding available’ in this post. Another fun fact for you, just to get you ‘rolling’ – the word ‘NICE’ is originally from French Latin and actually means ‘STUPID’… Yep, its not just us, NICE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AN INSULT, ahhh but you already knew that, you are ‘#clever’, your facebook feed tells you everything you need to know…

So… apologies in advance for all the Bold Capitals, even some RED this time for the super important ones. A necessary evil I’m afraid as YOU need to ORGANISE THIS STUFF IN YOUR HEAD CORRECTLY – grade this stuff in terms of priority and emotional weight, and I’ve jack all faith in your ability to do that. Yes, I know ‘your existing mental patterns will hate it’ but maybe let that part of you that’s ‘interested in this stuff’ overpower your petty little self, try and be a bit ‘RUTHLESS’ with yourself and push on, do it as a point of principle. Tell those little bits of you that can’t be arsed with this to ‘FUCK OFF’, cause hey… you’re A BADASS, not some weak, self-absorbed little munchkin, desperate for some cheap little thrill to get you through another shitty day… See we are all a little RUTHLESS on the Left-Hand path, WE HAVE TO BE… Its not just me… Sure, we were all just like you are now once upon a time, we were all ‘mostly harmless’, we were all ‘lazy’, we all needed it to be ‘simple’, but then ‘we grew up fast and we grew up mean, our fists got hard, and our wits got keen’ (RIP Johnny Cash), because we HAD TOO, spiritually speaking. That is the nature of this trip, all those ancient masters were not being ‘tools’ for the bloody fun of it – IT’S A KEY LESSON, THERE IS A REALLY GOOD REASON TO HOLD UP A MIRROR TO SEE YOURSELF IN VIA ALL THIS CASUAL ABUSE. Nothing personal like, we are trying to help you… just roll with it, find some ‘sand’ in your belly and read on…

Know the modern history of the 4th way is littered with young teachers who were determined to get the same results whilst being kind and helpful at the beginning, before seeing that it takes years, even decades longer – you have to be ‘shocked’ into it at the start, even to be able to ‘start’, so why waste the time being ‘kind’? But enough of this ‘attitude’ stuff for now, just don’t forget the Ruthless thing for the rest of this post, I will mention it again at the end, for those who get there… For now, just be sad if a 4th way teacher is kind to you as they are simply comforting you because they know you can’t be helped. BUT be ‘honored’ when they take the time and effort to be mean, as there is ‘hope’ for your dumb ass yet, whether now or in the future – see it actually takes ‘effort’ to be mean, if I’m kind its cause I don’t really give a shit, and only barely acknowledge your existence in the first place... ANY so-called ‘teacher’ who is NICE to you all the time is either a FAKE, a PARASITE or is trying to ‘sell’ you something, BUT genuine teachers just get meaner as they get older, cause by then they really know what they are doing – ‘Wax on, Wax off’ indeed.

Much as you really WON’T get this yet, we don’t see this as being ‘mean to you’ at all, we see this shock tactic as the greatest kindness anyone will ever do you, indeed we ‘honour’ you in this way, which spiritually speaking is a ‘real’ thing. Yep, something actually happens to you through this ‘vehicle’, through being ‘honoured’, we are operating at a level above slave society now, above the level of ‘nice’, above low level ‘fear’, this is ‘Aristocratic’ in its original (Ancient Greek) sense. Its just you are currently way below that level of understanding so ‘you’ just think it’s ‘mean’, at best you may ‘value’ the attention. You are wrong, you need to use this process to get smarter, quicker, stronger, to grow the fuck up, to put ‘quality’ as the central focus of your life and stop chasing comfort like a feckless ‘slave’… 

If it helps at all know this is the first Post with some ‘Sex in Spirituality’ stuff in it, as it’s unavoidable now. Yep this is usually the lesson where a number of you go ‘Ahhhhhhh… so that’s why I am the way I am’, or ‘WTAF… so that’s why this same shit keeps happening to me’, even, (in your 30/40s) the comedy ‘Well hell… so it don’t matter how Good I try to be, trouble just seems to find my ass anyway…’. Yep, for the 1st time…. you can relate to it, personally. And that’s nice, crucial even.  BUT if you don’t recognize any of this it is perhaps time to accept you are probably reading the wrong fucking blog – yes, never forget, high-quality spirituality is ELITIST, like everything else in the bloody world, get over it. Ahhh, hang on, you are ‘well read’, so you already ‘think you know’ what Catharsis means, that it’s in some way WORTHY, it’s Religious and it’s about suffering. And you would be wrong – the primary (only effective) Catharsis mechanism for everyday gifted folk is SEX, it’s just that your current understanding of Sex is very basic. Yep, you have lots to learn, we are going to challenge you today on several different layers…

Why is this one more challenging? Ahh, know this is where everything starts to come together on the 1st plateau of development – we STOP talking about bits of development in isolation, about preparation (all most Westerners really ever do, all normal people CAN DO). We START talking about ALL OF IT in terms of Levels, we group everything together so YOU CAN BUILD A STABLE ‘TREE OF LIFE’ STYLE MODEL AROUND THE CENTRAL CONCEPT OF CATHARSIS, as everything so far has been preparation for this one mechanismSpiritual Growth = CATHARSIS, which, put very simply defines the energetic transformation of your personal Emotion/Passion into ‘useable’ Spiritual Power. Everything is either preparation for Catharsis, doing Catharsis correctly, or directing the results of Catharsis. See, if you wanna follow the 4th Way, IF YOU WANT TO ‘KNOW’, you do it ALL, or you don’t do shit – so you must start the ‘change’, as that change is the ONLY WAY YOU WILL ABLE TO DO CATHARSIS TO DEVELOP YOURSELF EFFECTIVELY.

Ahhh, but that is gonna be a problem for highly gifted little you, see we all know, no matter how much you like the idea of some power, your skin crawls with the thought of ANY need to change – you are way too ‘cool’, too ‘right’, and so ‘clever’, so strong, so pretty, so bloody devious… Really? Have you not yet figured out you are a social media stereotype, your heroes are animated high poly models, you are in your 30s/40s yet you play with digital ‘dollies’ like a 5 year old trying to construct their personality, you crave the next sleazy little thrill from your chat group even though it will be exactly the same shit as last time, because ‘you side with those who you despise….’ (RIP Leonard Cohen). Do you not care that you are totally transparent, you live in a tedious little fantasy world defined by your childhood nightmares and crushing boredom with the ‘normal’? Do you not see, that no matter how clever you are, most of your life literally consists of getting up and doing the first bloody thing that comes into your head, dumb as a post, indeed without the forced discipline of work, or a relationship or two, you would already be lost to the ‘fire’…

And yet you actually think you are doing ok, that this is ‘normal’, this is ‘the way it is…‘, if you can just keep up the pretense and fool these bastards that you are actually working from home, instead of lying in bed, drinking cheap wine at 10:30 am, why watching cat videos on YouTube… BUT YOU STILL THINK THERE IS NO NEED TO CHANGE AS YOU THINK YOU ARE FINE. Just know that WHAT YOU THINK is a cop-out, a ‘justification’ against your better judgment because you always see ANYTHING that’s new as a threat to your already unhappy little life, because of your inbred slave mentality – the automatic fear reaction. See everyone thinks like that at the start, no one is blaming you for being this way, but (obviously) you should see it the other way round, see this ‘new’ as the real potential for the ‘escape’ you need and want – TO ESCAPE LIVING LIKE A SLAVE VIA CATHARSIS. See right now you always ‘consider’ external things before yourself, you don’t just do what you wish in isolation, you apologize, you explain, you repeat ALL THE TIME because you are scared – the slave mentality you have been taught as a child is the central core of your whole personality, it ‘owns you’. In reality, there is no need to do any of that, but you must see that it is your default setting and it has to go, as it ‘controls you’ – IT STOPS YOU DOING SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT.

See, I know you are not desperate, I don’t actually want you to be desperate, BUT before you read the rest of this post I NEED YOU TO ACCEPT YOU NEED TO CHANGE FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN IT WILL SIMPLY MAKE YOU A BETTER ‘I’, THAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE, SO I HAVE TO GET YOU THERE. You cannot be a slave on the Left Hand path, period, this path is for Aristos, and that is the reason why this topic is such a constant thread in everything I write. I know it’s boring as hell, it bores the shit out of me having to do it, but DO IT I MUST. Later in this post, I will explain the slave mentality, and you should see that it’s the ONLY bloody reason you ‘like what you like’, ‘do what you do’, as you believe you have no power in the face of life, your life is a cage, you must conform because your society OWNS YOU. None of this is true, should you be gifted, and it’s actually a ‘crime against nature’ that you believe that. One of the greatest drivers for all Left-Hand path types is the horror of realizing that truth, and the motivation to remove that mentality from your life…

In the meantime you might as well face the truth of this, slave mentality or not – YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO, DON’T MATTER A DAMN WHY YOU THINK YOU DO IT, ‘who you blame’ is fucking meaningless, just another random fantasy of yours, as your society and parasites know well… So why not take a moment now to look at ‘what you actually do’, every damn day, the pointless mediocrity of it, the repetitive grind of doing it on auto-pilot, imagine this getting worse and worse until you actually become what you currently despise, look down on, and know that maybe you already have…  See, nobody cares UNLESS YOU DO, frankly NOT EVEN ME, as there is little to care about otherwise – why would anyone bother with one more entitled little coward, cringing in a corner of their mind, waiting for the next nasty thought or emotion to ‘appear’, unless its just to use them, feel better because of them, turn them into a plaything, a ‘mark’, as ‘organized’ criminals say. Does any of this ring a bell, do you not want more than what you have become, largely by accident? Do you just want to watch yourself fade slowly away in the mirror every damn day, for the rest of your life, and just keep taking the fucking pills..? Or do you want to be a WORK OF ART, AN ACTUAL MASTERPIECE, AN ORIGINAL. 

Just want to change… OK? Just have a GO… I’m gonna help you DO IT, if you let me, gonna help you ‘grow a pair…’. But you have to let me, you have to want to change. See, I know there is some hope for some of you yet… if someone just tells you the truth, tell you ‘what time it is’, that it really is time to have a go at this spiritual stuff while you still can… See you will be dead soon enough, and sooner than you think, and the normal people you soooo aspire to fucking ‘be’ sadly go out alone in a hospice, dealing with the crushing loneliness, boredom, and terror of not remembering anything or anybody, tended by troubled people on minimum wage who just want you to hurry up and die already. Really, I not making this up, no matter who they used to be, what they had in the past, that is what typically happens now, to normal people… You don’t want that do you? You want to ‘live’ your gift, to be better, and a part of you already chases that so hard that it’s only this or that ‘obligation’ that keeps you ‘on the rails’ at all, much as you are blissfully unaware of WHY you do it… Yep, thats why I love hedonists, see I used to be one and one, (I will be so bold as to venture), who was WAY fucking better at it than you are, so I know how all of this shit works only too well… See, I’M REALLY NOT LIKE YOU, but I used to be, much as I look back at all that shit I did and piss myself laughing, all that effort for what again? Maybe you will too one day, the sooner you stop, the quicker you change, the easier it will be… Anyway, know the truth of this – ALWAYS LAUGH AT THE NORMAL PEOPLE, they are Slaves and that laughter will start to change you all by itself. Never be scared of them, stop ‘trying to be like them’ by trying to get them to ‘like you’…

This is the 1st lesson where you will (finally) understand that spiritual development is not a class, not therapy, not a hobby, not morality and GET THAT IT IS THE ‘REAL LIFE’ YOU ARE ALREADY ‘LIVING’, WHETHER YOU WANT TO OR NOT… IF YOU ARE GIFTED, PARTICULARLY IF YOU ARE A HEDONIST. Yep, you don’t get to decide if you want Spirituality in your life or not, it’s already there, smirking back at your naivety in the mirror. There is no escape for the highly gifted amongst you, so ‘you might as face it, you’re (probably) addicted to Love…’, or Drama, or Failure, or Risk, or the overly emotional crap of your choice…

So, another ‘fun’ (but this time VERY important) fact for you, an illustration of just how crucial this is, indeed a fact that explains my almost total focus on only teaching the highly gifted Hedonists of the world – the CATHARSIS Mechanism is probably the REASON YOU ACTUALLY ARE A HEDONIST. See Catharsis is not an artificial construction or forced emotional gymnastics, its 100% NATURAL, it is there all the time – it is the way your GIFT is supposed to work. See, Catharsis DOES NOT NEED organized Spiritual Practice to work, Catharsis can happen through any number of other mechanisms you consider normal, primarily Sex or Suffering, but drink, gambling (whether with money or with danger, risking your life) are others. See old Catharsis is all about the ‘SHOCK of the THRILL of the REAL when it HITS you’ and what you do with it. Wow, eh? That hardcore fun you have been chasing half your goddamn life is ACTUALLY WHAT SPIRITUALITY IS ALL ABOUT, at the start. Who knew? Well, some of you at least… the Brave, the Badasses, the Thrillseekers. I suspect the rest of you gifted types have just been sitting around whilst Catharsis does its best ‘find’ to you, not any of you have damn clue what to do with it mind…

Get this, get why this is so crucial for the gifted – Catharsis is such a dominant process that there is REALLY no escape from it for the highly gifted, even if you choose not to practice consciously, you may still find you have been practicing unconsciously – that Catharsis is actually dominating your whole life, you are just too damn stupid to know it…. Yet. Yes…KNOW THAT CATHARSIS IS REALLY ‘EVERYTHING’ FOR THE GIFTED, AS IT IS THE WAY YOUR ESSENCE SHOWS UP IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE, whether you are really that interested in Spirituality or not. This is the way your GIFT ACTS OUT, when it pops its head out from beneath the covers, scoffs at your pathetic attempts to be ‘honest’, before deciding to do something else entirely, something that suits ‘it’ not ‘you’… Yep, you need to deal with this, WITH CATHARSIS, otherwise it will continue to deal with you… AND YOU MUST CHANGE TO DO THAT.

Ok then, you are STILL HERE.. REALLY….?

So, after all that just know that we only want this to be hard because YOU need it to be HARD, otherwise, you simply won’t get any better at ‘it’… Want some good news..? Yes, there is always good news after getting through a ‘struggle’ on the Left-Hand path… Changing is easy if you are gifted, it’s easy because 4+thousand years ago ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom Royalty wrote down how you do it, how you use a placeholder called ‘Deputy Steward’, to do it very easily and very quickly as part of Catharsis – yep they go together as a matched pair. I’ll major on that mechanic in this post, but key an eye out for the full one, scan the images until you see King Tut driving a chariot appear in a few weeks… Know that the gifted are different from normal people, have far easier access to the Catharsis mechanism, therefore becoming ‘self conscious’ and maintaining it (after some practice) is MUCH EASIER and therefore CHANGE is much easier – you simply cannot change unless you can ‘watch yourself in the moment of action’ and decide otherwise, and that ‘self conscious’ Power COMES from Catharsis. Get it – Catharsis is KING. Yep, normal people cannot really change consciously, just accidentally…    

In the meantime know – YOU MUST ‘USE’ YOUR MIND TO TRY, TO STRUGGLE FOR ITS OWN SAKE, FOR THE SAKE OF THE ‘STRUGGLE’, FEEL GOOD ABOUT STRUGGLING, BECAUSE TRYING IS HOW YOU CHANGE, OTHERWISE YOU WILL SLOWY DEGENERATE, DISSOLVE, DISSEMBLE. Stop seeing struggle as BAD, stop avoiding it… Start to ‘Motivate’ yourself in life ‘differently’, run toward the fight like a Warrior, rather than away from it, like a scared little rodent. See a rat actually is a slave, they eat shit and creep around to survive BECAUSE THEY HAVE TOO, OTHERWISE THEY ARE DEAD, while you are a little higher up the food chain, if you only knew it… 

Yep, so here is a last and BIG bit of new motivation for ya, a really big reason to want the change – you MUST change or you slowly die, the universal 2nd Law of Thermodynamics waits for us all – if nothing else happens your level of Entropy, your level of internal chaos will just grow and grow, naturally… See you change, you struggle and keep changing, OR you just slowly fade away as its a natural process. You know ‘science’ still can’t actually figure out why it happens, even 150 years later, its what they call an empirical law, it is observed as true 100% of the time. Yep, doing nothing is not an option, even for animals in the wild, indeed its that constant struggle that keeps the performance of those animals at 110% well into old age, while you are down below 20-30% of your potential by the time you are 25, much as all the food and drugs don’t help either as your body is designed to work best when you are actually half-starved… Yep, take a moment now to set a new attitude in your head  – ALL STRUGGLE IS YOUR FRIEND, COMFORT JUST WANTS TO KILL YOU – RELAXATION IS ONLY USEFUL AFTER THE STRUGGLE, AS TO COORDINATE THE ‘AFTERMATH’ OF THE STRUGGLE, BY ITSELF IT’S FUCKING DEADLY. You struggle, you succeed, and then you ‘feel’ the win, OK?

Well, well, so that’s the first test passed – well done… So now we START:  

And let’s not beat around the bush here like all the others, the ones who tell you to do this or that until something happens… nope – on the left-hand path we just bloody tell you the truth. That means that you need to know HOW ALL REAL spiritual development happens – we need to define the playing field whilst giving you the bloody POINT, which is NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CURRENT NEW AGE, WOKE, PARTIAL MINDFULNESS CRAP ‘they’ are selling you.

The 7th Secret: CATHARSIS – There actually is an overall, universal process you HAVE to use to develop spiritually, and you need to know what it actually DOES – you need to know that it is the ultimate evolutionary mechanism in life for the Gifted, and how to ‘use’ this high-level mechanism to develop yourself beyond your rather feeble animal state. Then you will get better at EVERYTHING – you will EVOLVE via the ancient transformational mechanism of CATHARSIS, which will directly build your level of BEING, CONSCIOUSNESS and GNOSIS, allowing you to ‘SEE’, ‘DO’ and ‘KNOW’, via the 3 METHODS of KNOWLEDGE, PRACTISE, AND PERFORMANCE you must use.

Got that? Its simple really – you need to Pay for your Power by initially trading your existing and corrupted emotions (which are actually powered by your Gift), later your old ‘personality’ and then later (and much more effectively) new emotions you have freshly ‘evoked’ (generated and channeled for the very purpose of that exchange), like Zen men do it. See, you don’t actually need to be suffering in life, to be in pain, to be desperate to USE Catharsis, you just need to know the process. Yes, it is much easier to stumble upon it in an ascetic sense via suffering, why the desperate out there always get somewhere, why all those Indian ‘holy’ men still use it. Indeed they make a point of suffering for this very purpose, they know suffering can be turned into gold dust, with even the odd Christian saint taking the same approach, much as Mother Teresa was perhaps a little darker than you would know. We 4th wayers might still use our everyday ‘suffering’ BUT we don’t we bother with the ‘hair shirt’ of forced ‘suffering’ as you understand it, we know the energy can be generated, evoked especially for this purpose…

So let’s begin with the System, the layers both prior to Catharsis and defining the environment Catharsis sits in. Don’t worry too much about this at the min as you won’t have the time in yet to get it, it’s just important to know that this all to together vertically in Layers, and horizontally as a sequence of Events. All of this is the next level of understanding you need to get now, to understand Development is a ‘system’, and therefore it is all connected. The Layers we use are simple, and they are designed to help you understand the process, rather than explain every damn aspect of the supernatural, which we leave to others. So, for now YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THERE ARE 3 SEPARATE LAYERS OF DEVELOPMENT, we use the ‘Universal – All’, ‘Personal – I’, ‘Private – You’s’. From now on, ‘you’ need everything ‘you’ learn TO INCLUDE ALL 3 LAYERS FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND IT CORRECTLY.

Therefore, so we need to define x3 specific parts of the 7th secret that cover the 3 specific layers above, to set that scene correctly, so you can start to fit this all together – the 1. Secret of the ‘Development System’, that SURROUNDS  Catharsis, the 2. Secret of the ‘Catharsis Mechansim’ ITSELF, and the 3. Secret of ‘Deputy Steward’, the specific ‘personality’ in you who actually DOES Catharsis consciously. Be clear – you need to get what is BEFORE Catharsis as a SYSTEM, what Catharsis actually IS at THE TIME, and what is AFTER Catharsis, what it builds, your ‘Deputy Steward’, empowering and growing an existing part of you, the beginning of the ‘real’ you as a personality, OTHERWISE NONE OF THIS WILL WORK.

Errrrrr, hang on mate, you whisper, so I need some weird-ass ‘Deputy Steward’ to do Catharsis, but I need Catharsis to develop Deputy Steward? Yep, know that it is a circular relationship, like so many others you will find out later, that is why the start is ALWAYS hard, and only really doable for the gifted. Yes, you have probably had a good few little Cathartic ‘Shocks’ to your system, most likely via some form of badness and, hopefully, not pissed it all away already. See to do this development stuff you need something to work with already, not much, just SOMETHING, a hook, a rough step or handhold on the rock wall – YOU NEED TO BE GIFTED. Sorry an all, but that is the truth of it.. no gift means no chance of real development. 

Well how the hell are ‘you’ supposed to approach this, you wonder? Simple – We teach you METHOD, the aspect of the Layer Cake that defines what you CAN ACTUALLY DO, rather than ‘imagine’, the bit that is real for you. You must use METHOD to be able to go back and forth in your mind via these layers to assess and improve your understanding of all of this, particularly in terms of your Deputy Steward in your ‘Private’ world of YOU, that allows you to start to cross over into the Personal world of ‘I’ – when you become one thing instead of many. That is how the development of this part of you actually works, you are almost literally ‘cutting’ a pattern in your mind by thinking about it, a pattern that becomes easier and easier to return to. To achieve this cutting process we use 3 types of METHOD, as every lesson you learn from now on needs all 3 types to work correctly.

So, Try and take a step back now and ‘see’ that this is all much bigger than I have told you so far, those early bits and pieces are to train on, prepare yourself for what is to come, the real deal. ‘You’, your current level, is the 3rd Layer defined by METHOD, stuff you do consciously, therefore as the 1st one of its type this post is largely about METHOD, so we will illustrate the different methods by using them. Be clear, these are the 3 TYPES OF METHOD YOU ‘DO’ TOGETHER IN ORDER TO PROGRESS – KNOWLEDGE, PRACTISE, and PERFORMANCE.

In the beginning, Performance is the KEY, but later Practice will enable you to make big steps forward very quickly. Lastly, your Knowledge will move on from petty understanding all the way to a full-grown, proper Conscience, and later even GNOSIS itself. BUT for now, this is all about Performance, about your everyday patterns of mind, about your default character.  But that does not really matter, you must start to do everything TOGETHER, got that? These methods are focused on the 3 Layers, we use one method for one layer at a time. You need to get used to LAYERS of information, that everything is not on the same level, so every big Secret will be explained to you via 3 the different methods from now on –  1st one is about the 3 Layers of Catharsis.

For the 7th Secret we have these x3 Parts:

  1. ‘Development System’ is about the METHOD of Learning Patterns of ‘Knowledge’ – learning what you need to ‘KNOW’ as facts.
  2. ‘Catharsis Mechanism’ is about the METHOD of Learning Patterns of ‘Practice’ – learning what you need to ‘DO’ as a meditation.
  3. ‘Deputy Steward’ is about the METHOD of Learning Patterns of ‘Performance’ – learning what you need to ‘SEE/BE’ as a person.

Right, you got all that? Do you see just how important Catharsis is now, understand the gifted cannot avoid it, how failing to deal with it can dominate your whole life? Understand what Catharsis is overall, how it sits at the top layer of the System, and yet it infects everything, IS everything, and how it needs a special part of you to do it proactively?

Easy eh? Sorry, I forgot – right now you have no fecking clue what any of this means, cause you are stuck, wallowing around in the mud like an animal, indeed not even a particularly effective animal, take away the fake effect of the ‘society’ you are so utterly reliant on and your bloodline would be extinct in a few short hours, even the bunnies in the field have more street smarts than you… The horror. See all those bad people out there would snuff you out like a candle – you are just one more victim waiting to happen. Yep, you should know that your current ‘level’ of the animal state is really rather pathetic, you have become ‘less’ than your ancestors through being fucked over by the modern world, as I have referenced many times in other posts – by chairs, by screens, by acidosis, by lies, by all kinds of crap, all through YOURSELF, by your own stupidity. Not that it’s your fault, no, see no one told you all of this was true in school – YOU are a creation of the science delusion, of hedonism, of societies ‘normal’, even though you know it’s all crap, you ‘know’ that there has to be more than ‘this’ shit, than living out your ‘programming’ as a slave every damn day, doing the same sad routine everyone else does, chasing the same crappy stuff and experiences everyone does, cause well, EVERYONE ELSE DOES THIS, SO IT MUST BE RIGHT EH? They would never lie to us, would they..?

Yep, that slave mentality, that you ‘do what you are told’ conceals your NUMBER 1 problem – your whole ability to understand this is distorted by EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO – YOU ARE A SLAVE. And that has to GO, that need to fit in, to copy others, instead of carving your own path through life is a killer problem. See, much as you don’t understand this yet, understand why its different from what else you have been told, shown, read about, AND understand how is it possible that this stuff is not taught in school if it’s that good, that well known, that ‘true’. Like everyone at the start you (STILL) believe in the basic Goodness of society, in ‘someone would have told me all this’, so it can’t be true, so you think it is just MORE NEW AGE FANTASY, more Booky Wooky crap from some influencer or other, trying his luck at ‘being spiritual’. It’s not, it is so old, so well established in this world it is hard to overstate it – this actually IS THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

It’s just…. well, see no offense an all, but you are a ‘nobody’, you seem content to live like a slave, like a villain, why the fuck would anyone bother to tell you what has been kept for great and the good of the world for literally millennia – YOU ARE A CREATURE OF THE HERD, OF THE MASSES, you just accept everything at face value. Ahh, but hey, you are gifted, are you not? You have read this far, so maybe (just maybe) you deserve a shot, so we will have one last go at ‘convincing’ you… then you can do what the fuck you wish. Good luck to you… now open your mind and read on…

OK then… All of this teaching is from the ‘traditions of old’ IN THEIR ORIGINAL SENSE, the masters who have DONE ALL OF THIS BEFORE, so you don’t have to thrash about figuring it out for yourself – they have been trying to show us how to do this stuff since the beginning of time, its on every tomb and temple wall of every tradition, cause they knew we would find them (they made them of stone for a reason…). See, none of these things were actually made to be tombs, they were only used as that when folks started to forget what they were for – they were originally actual machines to help with spiritual development. Later on I will tell you what the original purpose of all the western ones was, what they are designed to do, all the Irish Passage Tombs (my personal favorite), British Stone Circles and French stone avenues, even those ridiculous golden ‘wizards’ hats they keep finding in Germany, left to us by the somewhat degenerate Celts.

But all of that is a simple curiosity for you, see these ancient models and teaching aids are long past their best because we don’t live like them, we don’t understand bible stories, because we don’t know the standard bits of their life they did not bother to write down, cause everyone knew them, back them – their brevity of style has killed their otherwise genius message. For example, you don’t know all the dodgy things a shepherd has to do anymore, even Christian priests largely just make it up as some ridiculous, ‘everyone is good’ type fantasy… But you know that everyone is NOT GOOD, you even suspect that shepherds were quite a rough bunch too (they were), so you need a new model, a new story, that fits the patterns you already have in your modern mind. See you need to know that morality, the moral patterns ‘you’ see the world through, did not exist back then, everyone was bad in a kill or be killed type way (you had no choice), the powerful screw over the weak, the rich live off the backs of slaves, just as they do today. We have just forgotten this and idealized (made up) the past by wrapping it all up in modern Christian humanism, deleting or actively misinterpreting the bits we don’t like, such as incorrectly translating ‘Catharsis’ as ‘Holy’ or ‘Pure’ many times in the New Testament.

And its total bollocks, worse it kills all the meaning we would otherwise know… but that is not the main point here, what we are talking about is that these traditions are the WRONG ONES FOR THE GIFTED WESTERNER. See, all these other systems, including Christianity have been torn apart by time itself, but MUCH worse than this THEY HAVE BEEN SIMPLIFIED FOR SLAVES, FOR THE MASSES. You need a FULL SYSTEM, a complete process, and in our history of the world these systems were kept secret for Royalty, for the great and the good – indeed that is actually ‘why’ there were the great and the good. Wanna know when you are using a slave system for development? Easy – it looks really bloody simple, it is based on ‘love is the answer’, it’s communicated by allegory, by simple stories around everyday folk, by super basic techniques that take decades to work, if at all. You want to waste your time with that crap? Want to get a taste of something and then dead-end (as so many Westerner seekers do), before announcing to everyone that your recent trip to the Ashram totally changed you but now you are a ‘better’ person, who has Eaten, Prayed and Loved, you can go right back to normal, right back to monetizing your fame, whilst helping save the world in some pathetic, woke ass, fake worthy, (not really doing shit) type way… You have failed out and become just another ‘Woo Woo…’, as Left Hand path types say… so sad, too bad, never mind.

But that is not for you is it, you are BADASS, plus you have me to help you, to show you…

See, (and I have talked about this same issue many times before), I need to move your understanding of this on a bit now, so you can start to get the meaning when Nietzsche states stuff like ‘Christianity is a slave religion’. This is the left-hand path, with the techniques of the 4th way, it is the Royal road to spirituality, NOT THE SLAVE ONE – this is Raja Yoga, not a fucking ‘Zumba for Weight Loss’ class… See back 2 to 2.5K years ago, when most mainstream traditions were created, everyone who was not Royal, who was not part of the ruling class, the ruling religion or military was NOBODY (the merchant class did not really exist yet). 99.9% of the population of the world was dirt poor, if they were not an actual slave or serf, they lived a subsistence lifestyle, were in constant fear of sudden death and everything they had could be taken from them in a heartbeat. This was their life, IT IS NOT YOURS – YOU have rights, human rights no less. Indeed, your rights are such that you would be considered Royal, by those poor bastards, you have pretty much everything the Royals had in the lifestyle sense (even Drugs), just none of the actual POWER – YOU HAVE TIME AND CHOICE, YOU HAVE THE SPACE AND OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND DO COMPLEX THINGS.

More importantly than even that (and you really need to get this) – YOU CAN READ AND COMPREHEND WHAT YOU READ BECAUSE YOU CAN CHECK IT ON THE INTERNET, THE FONT OF ALL ENCYCLOPEDIAS – TO UNDERSTAND COMPLEX CONCEPTS ‘NEEDS’ READING AND REFERENCE MATERIALS. Back 2k+ years ago virtually nobody could read, SO EVERYTHING WAS DIFFERENT, EVERYTHING HAD TO BE SIMPLE- SEE BACK THEN READING WAS A FORM OF MAGIC AND WAS ACTUALLY KEPT SECRET. Royalty could READ (like you can), and they actually read a lot and then got the greatest Wisemen in their country to explain it to them…

Now a Royals’ entire upbring (and for many years after) was about LEARNING HOW TO BE ROYALTY, TO BE BETTER THAN THE VILLAINS AND THE PLEBS. Royalty was actually not like ‘us’, at all, and this is a key bit – Royalty were told things in a different way, in a secret, Tantric, hidden way, because they were expected to know more than their ‘subjects’, kinda the point of ruling really, back then. You simply would not believe how Christianity was taught to Medieval Royals across Europe, the Gnostic Mythcism of it, much as you can get a sense of it from the surviving prayer books. You would not believe what they did, the images they used, the stories they were told in ORDER TO DEVELOP POWER OVER THEMSELVES.

See on the Left-Hand path we love the Medieval time period for very specific reasons that deserve their own post, but for now, just know that it was the one time when the Aristocracy of the Western world were joined together by a deep and complex understanding of the 4th Way. Yep, there was a time in this world when everything I have written was known and practiced at a level of detail that surpasses anything you will see today. Indeed there are some very curious events in this age, where the Left Hand got involved in history, when very strange occurrences made a major difference to the outcome, none more so as than when VERY religious individuals and groups stood against invaders that should have WON, and Europe as we currently know it would have ceased to exist. So it was not just Charles Martel stopping the Moors at Tours in 732, but the Mongols of the Golden Horde in the 13th century, the lesser-known Khwarazmian Empires in the 13th & Timurids in the 15th Century, all the way to the Turks being stopped at the Gates of Vienna in 1683 (over 300 years after they first invaded Europe) with the largest cavalry charge in history, 18,000 horsemen, including the very strange Polish ‘Winged Hussars’. There were some recorded events in these campaigns and battles that defy belief and have the Left Hand path written all over them, but let’s keep it at a higher level, for now, the level of what was public so you can check it…

So let’s use my favorite medieval example – the 4th Way DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IS ENCODED IN THE SIMPLE STORY AND IMAGERY OF ‘GEORGE AND THE DRAGON’…  YEP, ever wondered why an obscure minor Knight from an even more obscure backwater (probably Georgia) was chosen by King Richard III to be the Patron Saint of the English after returning from the Crusades to the point we even adopted the same flag, (that flag also has a VERY specific spiritual meaning). Yes, I know Christianity quickly stepped in to ‘hide’ this, pretending he was actually an early Christian soldier martyr from Libya (and they changed that a couple of times too), but check that out and you will find the 4th-way ‘story’ that defines Saint George (the reason he was chosen) only appears in the 11th/12th century. See Christianity loves stories of Martyrs TO FEED TO THE POOR, but it keeps the knowledge for the powerful, back when it actually still had some knowledge at least. Yep, there is a reason the Brits are quite a magical bunch, the entire CLASSIC ICONOGRAPHY OF THE NATION WAS CENTERED ON THE LEFT-HAND PATH in the medieval age. And no one knows why, although there are a few high order ‘freemasons’ who think they do…

You would also not believe what all those Knightly Orders are actually all about, King Richard the IIIs ‘Order of the Garter’ in particular. Even the super-secret and obscure ‘Order of the Dragon’, who symbol is a curved serpent with a blood-red cross on it’s back, which both Henry the V and Vlad ‘the Impaler’ (his dad changed the family name to ‘Dracul’ specially for the order) were members – ahhh… best know that old Vlad was and remains one of the greatest of all Christain heroes, almost Churchill like, don’t forget that, Bram Stokers little Irish fairy story is total crap. Take a moment to perhaps marvel at how many nations have mythical symbolism on their Flags, emblems, and even their bloody money – yep its not just the Jews who have an actual machine for enlightenment on their Flag, the once magically obsessed British have countless ones. Get this now? This is ALL the Lefthand path at work down through the ages… BUT you have never heard of this stuff, because you think like a Slave – you believe what you have been told. 

BE CLEAR – ALL Mainstream traditions you know and that are used in the West are SLAVE traditions, the Royal ones are super-secret, obsessed with Power aka the Freemasons and other variants of the ancient Mystery Schools, with the exception of Shaktism and Zen (which became Royal via the Military). These traditions NEED you to be Royal in the lifestyle sense to be able to do them – Shaktism actually is for Royal Hedonists. All other mainstream systems have a Tantric (secret) layer that is concealed from normal folks and is kept for Royalty, Priests, and the Military (where most Royalty come from). They ALL HAVE A STRONG SEXUAL ENERGY COMPONENT, MANY ACTUALLY USE SEX as their primary method element, the slave ones don’t. There used to be literally hundreds of massive, skyscraper-like temples across India with colossal numbers of erotic statues depicting Sex as a sacred process, before the Muslims destroyed the majority of them, with only 30-40 surviving today – those temples were built by Royalty for Royalty and cost a small fortune even then. See you, like me would be considered a Hedonist, defined by a high libido, even if you don’t think you are by your little peer group – you are Royal by ‘their’ standards. Get this, understand it, much as you still live like a slave to ‘yourself’, you have the freedom to live like the Royals did, back then – you have TIME and CHOICE. Therefore you NEED a Royal path of spirituality, NOT A FUCKING SLAVE ONE. Yep, you need to look back in time to the only ROYAL people who wrote this down…

So here is that system, the 4th Way, you just need to follow it, should you be gifted. Follow this process, use the 7th Secret and you will be able to ‘wash your Bull’ like Mithridates (the religion most Western traditions actually come from), until he becomes ‘clean’ (you ‘feel’ clean), whilst using all that ‘waste’ you are washing off him to build and BUILD yourself, without ever having to read the Zen text, learn Zen analogies.. no. Indeed via a simple model you can BUILD YOURSELF INTO WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE, whilst never needing the traditional stories at all… But to keep in mind the past, maybe, just for me, take a long hard look at the stunning image at the top of this post, a fine artwork from Barcelona in Spain, 1434, an altarpiece by the master gothic artist Bernat Martorell and marvel at the fact that every great painter of the period (and many more since) painted that image, there are literally thousands of them. Don’t know what it is? well, maybe ‘know’ that the horse, the princess, the sheep, the cave behind the dragon, the little lizards, the bones of the dead, the city in the background, the bridle, the dragon itself, and particularly that VERY long spear mean something else entirely – they are all bits of YOU. Trust me, there is more ‘sex’ in that image than you would ever imagine, if you only knew – those Medieval Monarchs eh. Yet you are TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS TO ALL OF THIS, you believe what you have been told, that its ‘just art’, all this stuff means something else, but nothing to you…

So we need a replacement for the modern interpretations of these old traditional systems, and one that works – WE REPLACE THE CORRUPTED, CONSTRAINED SYSTEM OF THE OLD TRADITIONS AS THEY NOW EXIST WITH A DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM FOR THE MODERN WORLD BASED ON THEIR ORIGINAL MEANING, THAT DOES THE SAME THING IN A DIFFERENT WAY. Ahhh… but we are NOT MAKING THIS UP, see that would be stupid… we know the only systems that work in the Modern world are the Ancient ones that were specifically designed for Ancient Royalty, not Slaves. You live NOW as Royalty did back then, in terms of your environment and lifestyle, therefore that is how we NEED to do it – that’s why POWER OVER YOURSELF is only for ‘Royalty’, in fact it is the very definition of Royalty, of Nietzche’s ‘Grand Style of Character’. And all that COMES FROM CATHARSIS…

Ahhh, but you are clever, you checked, you looked up CATHARSIS and you see it’s a ‘moral’ term, it’s Christian, its about purifying yourself from ‘Sin’. Nope, so you need to understand Catharsis is a process of exchange, like all real spiritual practices, and that it is actually nothing to do with purifying yourself in a Christian sense, much as the original (and very old) Greek word is translated in the New Testament to mean ‘Holy’ in a pure sense over and OVER again. We (in English), have missed the point – CATHARSIS IS A TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS AND HAS NO MORAL CONOTATIONS AT ALL, LIKE ANY OTHER PROCESS. The sense of Purifying yourself is very personal (many never even get it) and is simply the initial ‘feeling’ of exchanging one type of manifest energy, (sometimes fears/addictions/desires, hence the ‘purification’), with another one, actual POWER – a process you will need to do MANY times over, and that you will need to DO CORRECTLY TO AVOID WASTING THE RESULTS OF IT. Yep, as Zen men know well, you need many, MANY enlightenments to get anywhere in the real world of spirituality, one little ‘shock’, one minor ‘Kensho’ to your personality is never going to be enough. Indeed, enlightenment is really not that bigger a deal – ONCE YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS, ONCE YOU KNOW IT IS AN ONGOING PROCESS.

Hang on a min, the clever amongst you cry, then why don’t you feckers use an Eastern word that does not have all these corrupted interpretations, a better name than Catharsis? The reason is simple – the modern English use of Catharsis still contains the core meaning of a process, its only its common usage that has become Moral. Therefore, and quite apart from my personal crusade to prove that the West has always had mystical spiritual traditions that rival the Eastern ones, its important you get how degenerate modern Christianity has become, how much has been managed out of this tradition THAT USED TO BE THERE, eg CATHARSIS. Never forget this, over the years countless groups of Christians have discovered this and tried to get back on track. For example in the 13th Century one of many groups of Christians fed up with the corruption of the Church, went back to the Bible and discovered this process for themselves, what is now known to history as the Cathar Heresy (Yes, I know there where many others before this one)… 800 years ago Westerners, thousands of Frenchmen tried to put Catharsis back front and centre of the Christian church and fought to the death to keep it there. Sadly, this led to one of the greatest crimes ever committed by the Catholic Church, an organized Crusade by Northern French/Random German/Norman English nobles, hungry for land, on their own soil, against their own people – 10,000s died, even the local Royalty fought with the Cathars to the death, whole towns and cities were exterminated with a ferocity never seen before in Europe.

I know Dan Brown has turned this episode of history into popular entertainment, a historical whodunnit that goes way, WAY too far, (much as he ripped it off the books of others) however NEVER FORGET THE CORE FACTS ARE TRUE, THE CATHAR HERESY HAPPENED. Always remember this – we are not making this information up, we are pulling it all together FROM THE PAST, OUR OWN PAST NONE THE LESS, THIS IS WHAT CHRISTIANITY IS SUPPOSED TO BE, A PART OF UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY – IT IS ALL ONE SYSTEM THAT EXISTS IN NATURE. 

Convinced yet? I hope so, cause now we need to tell you the rest of it…YES – we know it is NOT your fault you are a mess, that you are lost, that you are stuck being an animal, but it IS your problem, to fix or not as you choose. Hope you ‘do’ choose, choose to ‘try’, cause if you do, if ‘you choose to use’ your Gift rather than be ‘used by it’, you will actually start to live CONSCIOUSLY. And there are no words to describe just how fucking awesome it feels when you TRANSFORM YOUR GIFT INTO POWER YOU CAN ACTUALLY USE, POWER OVER YOURSELF. In the 4th way, this starts with the POWER TO MAINTAIN A POSITIVE SELF CONSCIOUSNESS generated by leveling up your state of BEING through CATHARSIS. This is the POINT OF THE 4TH WAY BECAUSE CATHARSIS ENABLES EVERYTHING ELSE…

First UP, Part 1 – the System of Spiritual Development overall – ‘Welcome to the Layer Cake’.

7th Secret Part 1 – Spiritual Development is a SYSTEM, it is not one thing, not just Method, it has 3 LAYERS and you NEED to understand the Mechanism and Process of development before you can DO the Methods in anything other than a totally ad-hoc, random fashion. You need to understand WHY you are DOING this or that bit of method, UNDERSTAND IT’S PURPOSE FOR IT TO WORK, and so you can order them correctly as the results NEED to ‘accumulate’ quickly. Otherwise, you are just one more dumb-ass new-ager ‘zoning-out’ whilst doing some half-assed version of Mindfulness, whatever the fuck that is. See the curse (and perhaps the real secret here) of all development is that Westerners do it PARTIALLY, piecemeal, with no real goal or focus, and one of many insults they use in Zen for Westerners – fools just playing at development. THE RANDOM METHOD APPROACH DOES NOT WORK, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THE BIG PICTURE, THE ‘WHY’ AND ‘HOW’, FOR METHOD TO WORK, OTHERWISE YOU WILL DO IT WRONG.

In the system, there are 3 Different Layers Of Development Structure (Basic Version) 

  1. First the UNIVERSAL ‘ALL’ – MECHANISM OF DEVELOPMENT= Catharsis is the principle process of all spiritual development, it is the mechanism that happens inside you, the way change and evolution come about spiritually, how you build yourself. It is universal. It is fixed system, it drives all development in all traditions and is the big daddy of all spiritual processes, lurking behind every snippet of this incomplete practice or that one. You need to understand this VERY clearly, so you know what is happening and what to look for when it happens to maximize getting it right and minimize getting it wrong. See, you can get this VERY wrong, you can ‘waste yourself’, even hurt yourself.
  2. Then the PERSONAL ‘I’- PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT = the 3 separate but linked elements of yourself that the mechanism of Catharsis builds, you need to understand the triad of BEING, CONSCIOUSNESS and GNOSIS. This is what Catharsis does to you, what it ‘creates’, that you experience as ‘qualities’ inside you, that you develop by the transformation of your Gift via the Catharsis mechanism. They are the actual elements inside you that grow, and improve, that you ‘level up’ and then train, start to ‘use’ them both separately and together with the Catharsis mechanism, actually directing the results of your Catharsis moment at them individually, targeting the ones you need to level. These are what you have to work with, what you can proactively use BUT you need to ‘install’ them first, right now they (probably) don’t exist as anything more than shells, just empty or polluted containers – trying to use them is just bloody pointless.
  3. Lastly the PRIVATE ‘YOUS’ – METHODS OF DEVELOPMENT = the 3 types of activity you actively need to ‘act out’, the types of method you employ – KNOWLEDGE, PRACTICE and PERFORMANCE. ‘YOU’ must DEVELOP AND USE SPIRITUAL SKILL, what Daoists call ‘Gong’ to DO anything, otherwise everything will be random, however much you build yourself. These 3 types of personal activities are what you use to engage and improve yourself, slowly at first and then more dramatically later. Skill is CRUCIAL TO MAKING ALL OF THIS ‘REAL’ FOR YOU, its about how to use the results of your gift IN DETAIL, about what using your gift enables you to do, both what ‘you’ would call ‘naturally’ and ‘supernaturally’, much as for the gifted they are largely the same thing, as they kinda meet in the middle of both classic meanings. Lastly know that much as Catharsis and its results are set in stone from the beginning of time, all Method is ‘Whatever works for you’, they are personal, disposal, and evolves with you.

Get that there are 3 different LAYERS of information, different approaches that look at the same thing, that you need to organize mentally in order to use them. They are not the same, which is why so much spiritual doctrine and traditional method seem to conflict, driving many of the great and good totally mad over the years… Therefore they MUST BE PRESENTED SEPERATE AT THE LEVEL OF YOUR INITIAL UNDERSTANDING. YOU WILL GET VERY CONFUSED OTHERWISE, like so many frustrated little Russian 4th wayers, stuck trying to do the right things in some random order but with NO ABILITY, NO POWER. Indeed no ability to do much at all other than read about it, secondhand, like a tacky voyeur of spiritual development, another cunning little loser, desperate for this little limited and partial insight or that one, whilst actually NEVER EXPERIENCING ANYTHING.

Now a quick side track, for the hardcore Daoists amongst you – yes, of course, there are many more levels above this (in terms of the Universal) and below it (in terms of ‘I’) but you DON’T NEED TO KNOW ANY OF THAT TO DEVELOP. So we don’t make the same mistake as other 4th Ways in attempting to explain this, as you really don’t need to understand the 7 Heavens, Octaves, Eternal Recurrence, the Sun and Moon et al, just the results of them, particularly the ‘Emanations’, the ‘Law of Scale’. The above 3 layers are all you need to know to develop to a high level, period – this is a shortcut and a big one at that.

Be clear, without a teacher you will need a mental framework to place everything in, so you can relate it to everything else, and know that many things are important, but they have different effects. Yes, you must get used to a certain degree of complexity and you must start to understand the VALUE of certain practices in terms of what they do, and HOW WHAT THEY DO FITS TOGETHER. Otherwise, you will just jump from one thing to the other, or stick to one simple thing, when you really need to know how to use many things ALL AT THE SAME TIME for the process to work, in a timely fashion. And that can be hard, indeed with your current level of simple-minded understanding it would be impossible without a framework to ensure you don’t forget to do something important, however minor it appears to you. YOU NEED STRUCTURE, and as basic as a system as possible, so you can DO the work while remembering how it fits together with everything else you need to do TO PROGRESS.

7th Secret Part 2. The Catharsis Mechanism is the principal process the gifted use to exchange their congenital (born with) power into something they can feel and use. It is the apex of Spiritual Development, the top of the pyramid and after you have achieved it once you need to go on and hit it again and again and AGAIN to CONTINUE YOU PROGRESS. It only works properly for the gifted and even then the level of your gift has a dramatic effect on both how easy it is to achieve and what methods you need to use to ‘trigger it’. The Catharsis mechanism is a process, with a beginning and middle and an end, and requires attention at every stage to get right, so you save and benefit from the result. The Catharsis process is a 100% natural system, indeed it can be triggered by many aspects of life that you do not consider in any way Spiritual, including the most of easiest ( and often most effective) of all – SEX, and I mean good, energy-based sex done spiritually (that never ends), rather than animal sex, tension sex, (which ends quickly) and is a waste of life, quite literally. Yes, realize you can get Catharsis wrong, in fact badly wrong, so you need to follow the Method.

We use Catharsis for the name of the process, (and its derivatives are used for the results of the process) IN ITS ORIGINAL SENSE – in the sense of a PROCESS. We use it in the same way they mean in the mad, bad world of Shaktism, the big daddy system of them all (that you have never heard of) – those Hindu folks who lay it all out in HUGE detail, for the gifted, but which has a bad rep in the West. Yep, that Indiana Jones and his Temple of Doom have a lot to answer for, but rest assured the detailed process of Catharsis is out there, and you don’t have to worship Kali to do it, much as the Hedonists amongst you may be surprised to find that is what you have actually been doing the whole bloody time. Yes, the use of tantric Sex (plus drugs and music) is another way to do this, but there are much easier, less dangerous, everyday ones too that make up the core of Zen, so more of all that later – right now just know it is finally time to start to ‘talk about sex in spirituality’…

See, should you be highly gifted CATHARSIS will ACTIVELY try and find a way to HAPPEN TO YOU, through any opportunity you present it with, in your lifestyle – your Essence will TRY AND REALISE ITSELF THROUGH YOUR STRONGLY EMOTIONAL ‘ACTIVITIES’ AS FOOD FOR CATHARSIS, SO IT WILL ACTUALLY CHASE THEM, EVEN CREATE THEM. Yes, should it have ever worked for you, ie you DO these activities in the correct way (by accident normally), then Catharsis will chase after them, and you will become ‘connected’ to these activities at a strong level, even ‘fetishize’ them – they will happen to you over and over again in a PARTICULAR WAY, whether you like it or not. Normally, randomly, you will get this process wrong by NOT FINISHING THE PROCESS CORRECTLY, because Catharsis done correctly, proactively for its own sake needs ‘control’, it needs a prepared mind state, it needs to be ‘maintained’ at a correct intensity, which are all random chances if you don’t know what you are doing.

Yep, there is a good reason for the old English phrase ‘High Spirited’ to describe the Hedonists of the world… But Catharsis is NOT the only reason you may have a high libido or appear to suffer more in life, that you like drinking and gambling, but for the highly gifted it will ALWAYS manifest as a strong sense of ‘Connection’ with these activities (rather than anything about particular people in any particular situation), even when you are not doing them – it is about the ‘process’. But at an animal level a high libido is all about the animal state, its about possession, control, humiliation, some fantasy end goal, it’s about feeling powerful in a fake way, while actually being dependent, which is why such people become Parasites of the gifted. You have been warned. In some highly gifted, who don’t do this ‘bad’ stuff normally, in the ‘good’ people of the world, your Essence may even resort to continual ‘Suffering’, as a way forward for you, much as you typically need to be in some way spiritually-minded before this is triggered. This is the reason why some gifted people feel their life gets worse once they start to practice spirituality, but don’t yet know how to do Catharsis, much as the suffering is mainly in your ‘mind’ – see by starting to practice spirituality in any of its forms you are actually ‘asking’ your Essence for Catharsis, so it will deliver the opportunity for it to you, should it be powerful enough. But your life does not get worse (more than it otherwise would), in reality, you just start to feel worse about your life, (which can, of course, then make you do silly things), often for no reason at all or simply because you are getting old and cannot do the same shit anymore, kinda thing.

Yes, I see the problem with this too, so let’s deal with it straightaway – IT IS VERY IMPORTANT not to confuse Catharsis opportunities with lower-level ‘Parasitic activities’, drug addictions, bad unconscious habits you barely notice, etc, which have no chance of a positive result and are purely and simply a total loss of yourself. Parasitic shit is vampiric in nature and just drains you, while Catharsis is transformational in nature and actually gives back more than it costs, exponentially so. Don’t worry, I know they may sound very close, but later in this post I will explain how to tell the difference, how to judge between parasitic, ‘soporific’ activities that just drain you while putting you to sleep, activities driven by the fake anxiety trigger, that make you feel powerful, ‘reassured’ very much ‘after the fact’. However, the Catharsis mechanism is all about the moment, the quality of the process itself, the ‘thrill’ at the core of the sensation, followed by the ‘Shock’ of the real. See you must avoid the no1 mistake the unschooled Gifted make, being lured into shitty little parasitic relationships via the promise of the excitement of Catharsis to your Essence. Your parasites love this approach because it works like a double hit – you willingly submit to them for something you really want, but because of them, you can NEVER, EVER GET, as they get it instead. In reality, these 2 things have to be kept VERY separate if you are not to be led astray or become ‘kinked’ spiritually in some way – what we call ‘False Crystallisation’. YOU MUST CHASE CATHARSIS AS IT IS YOUR DESTINY, BUT YOU MUST DESTROY YOUR PARASITES, AS THEY ARE YOUR DEATH. 

All of that can be fixed in a heartbeat, it is not permanent, just know that (unless you have S&M tendencies) Forced Suffering particularly is NOT A GOOD WAY TO DO CATHARSIS for modern folks, as it tends to get worse, and WORSE, even if you use it correctly – you end up experiencing life like some Ascetic Indian holy man, a ‘Fakir’, AND YOU DON’T WANT THAT. However ‘using’ natural, low-level Suffering (being caught in the rain without a brolly, kinda thing) as it happens to you is actually a very easy way to work with your Essence for rapid progress, its actually a sign, an answer, a clue, so should not be ignored just because it’s unpleasant… More later on this, but should you be highly gifted you might want to read the last 4 paras a few times, as UNSCHOOLED CATHARSIS MAY EXPLAIN YOUR WHOLE BLOODY LIFE THUS FAR, and that means, ladies and gents, boys and girls, you are reading the right fucking Blog…

So the Overall Process, just the basics so you can relate for now – the correct experience of Catharsis always starts with a type of emotional absorption YOU DO NOT IDENTIFY WITH OR RESIST, that then transforms into something else via a specific intervention, which is why Sex is the principal mechanism for the unschooled gifted, who then proceed to fuck up the results of it. Yes, you all make a mess of this by not knowing how do manage the stages of the ‘process’. It is a process you trigger and then let happen by itself while being careful to save the results after the ‘SHOCK’ happens, the correct ‘crystallization’ that should happen at the end. If you don’t do this you have wasted your time, and all of the precious energy you have built up is wasted, thrown away. Repeated use of Catharsis will initially lead to a ‘Change of Your State of Mind’, which is when you have some power, when you can start to practice properly as you have ‘some’ ability. And then it starts….

More than anything else, REMEMBER ALL DEVELOPMENT AT THE START IS ABOUT EXPERIENCING A CHANGE OF STATE OF MIND. YOU CHANGE, otherwise it has not worked, you are just pretending, filling yourself with good intentions, usually by acting out niceness, being better, being MORAL, and that is just sad, another form of faking it every day, as that is the modern way… What we are talking about here is much bigger than that, its not a con job, not another type of fitting in and there is no moral element to it, at the start that is about developing a sense of honor, but more on that later. If you don’t experience any change of state, all you are practicing is what Zen folks call ‘Quietism’ (the biggest insult in Zen) which means you are little more than a lazy, stupid animal. But unlike Zen folks you don’t have a master to explain everything you get from trying to develop yourself, so you need to get the basics, the framework first, so all of this will make sense, when it happens. Be VERY BLOODY HAPPY about that, you can waste decades of your life trying to figure out Koans, even before you figure out that they are meant to explain stages of genuine progress after it has happened to you, rather than some Western Philosophic interpretation you once read, that is utter garbage…

Now, let’s quickly cover the biggest argument against Catharsis – the clever ones amongst you know that YES, I do understand there are more processes than Catharsis available for energetic transformation, eg the external ones, with Daosim particularly majoring on focusing on these ‘minor’ methods to ‘enhance’ yourself, often employed in the martial arts or religions of the Righthand path. These methods provide a TEMPORARY EXTERNAL boost, usually through breathwork but there are many others, particularly Sex, but also Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll provide this boost amongst you unschooled gifted, who have yet to figure out you have been following your own spiritual path since you were a child, you were just too dumb to know that. Please then know that these techniques are, both originally and now, intended as CATALYSTS to help the Catharsis process IN THE GIFTED, and therefore are secondary, much as they become very useful in terms of making reliable progress, they are NOT THE MAIN ATTRACTION. Yes, several types of these external methods are still heavily used by Zen folks like me (Zen is the King of all Catharsis-focused systems), because they offer a speed up to triggering Carthisis, as that is their main benefit.

However, I will say this – should you have NO GIFT of any level, all you can do is use these external techniques as there is nothing there to change. Best not to fool yourself, yes external methods work even on animals in a minor way, but all such effects are temporary and pass, dissipate very quickly whilst largely just making you feel like a ‘better’ animal. These techniques are all about getting external spiritual help with your issues, there is no real value in them long term, they are little more than sticking plaster over the wound. For example, one of Wim Hoffs many practices is a simplified version of Daoist Fire Breathing with extended retention over 2 or 3 iterations – one of the basic if stronger Catharsis triggers. If you have no gift, this will give your animal self a strong boost in the moment, much as it will quickly pass. If you are gifted at any level, this will trigger a minor Catharsis process, usually driven by any strong emotional pain you are retaining, that will bubble up to the surface of your heart and quickly overtake you (because you have not learned how to ‘do’ Catharsis), much as the content is little more than a vehicle for the emotional power behind it. You will sob or rage about some childhood trauma, identifying with that meaningless emotional content, and stop the transformation in its tracks, TOTALLY WASTING that energy until next time. But I guess at least you will know you are gifted (at least) at a sensitive level. If you want to test yourself fine but don’t fool yourself – this is NOT CATHARSIS, you are STILL just pouring (even more) of your gift down the drain.

So how does the Catharsis Mechanism function? This is a natural process that is available to the gifted because you have the innate power to drive it, and hence you are capable of channeling that, within your body in order to use it.

Specifically – it always needs 2 separate emotional elements (1 that’s you and one that is not you) to come together exactly and combine before they cancel themselves out via a 3rd element, which provides a ‘Shock’ of some kind. You then allow yourself to feel, ‘you relax’ into, the ‘crystallization’, the literal ‘crackling’ of your Being as it solidifies a little bit more, when you ‘drop off body and mind’, feel a ‘little death’, an ‘annihilation’ of yourself or any number of other descriptions that exist in MANY traditions. You DON’T RESIST THIS shock mentally, otherwise, it will be wasted, and all that effort is gone – you give yourself to it.

The 3 elements: 

  1. The Personal Power of Your Gift/Essence – manifests inside you in any number of ways, from strong emotion, strong absorption, energy sex/physical suffering, and, the best one of all, total stillness, which is experienced as one of no thought, no breath, no movement at all. These can happen naturally or be forced, indeed when you run out of the existing stuff that is already there you will need to force them to progress. It can also be supplemented for the weaker gifted by breath practice, which works to add to what is already there, but can never really replace it, and often leads to false crystallization – the biggest issue with Catharsis, where your Being becomes kinked, fetishized, outside of your original essence, and you develop a bad/self-destructive little shoulder Angel…
  2. The External Power of Univeral Essence – manifests as the energies of the earth in the 4th way usually, but this can also come from the opposite sex, from other environmental factors, even strong storms, rain. These all feel like separate emotions that are caused by External Factors, different to your internal emotions, which are small and petty by comparison. The King of all of them is what Zen men call Kufu, strong doubt, which is what the energy of the earth feels like when it comes up your legs, usually on forced, stopped exhale.
  3. An External Shock/Catalyst – this can appear to be anything in reality, but they always have some hidden power in them if they are going to work – a power behind them, that has run that temple bell, tapped you on the arm, pushed you over into Orgasm during good sex. Now, you can create this shock by yourself, but the level of skill required is huge, and the effect is a much lower, so most Left-hand path types don’t bother much with it, particularly as it requires the suspension of all thought, for your mind to stop. Bare in mind that many external shocks you may experience are very subtle, and are often driven by external sound that has some power in it, which is a better halfway house for most folks.

And that is your lot for now with how to do Catharsis.. See there are so many ways to generate the conditions required above that you will need very specific ones to help you cut through all the crap that is not suitable, or not that easy. The Left Hand has almost as many types of Catharsis Mechanism as there are variants of the 4th way, indeed many a Master has discovered his own (slightly) different version of Catharsis and set up his own path just for the fun of it, frankly. But that is no use to you, you need detailed instructions for a reliable process that will work out of the box for the majority of the types of Essence reading this. And we will do that for you, next time… Indeed, we will even throw in some fun Mind Magic (which is not really magic) that also uses the Catharsis mechanism, the current bizarre craze for Manifesting, easy enough when you know how to pay for it AND understand you only get what you can ‘afford’… Excited? Don’t be… you are better than that… Just know that at its core Catharsis is a mechanism you can use to ‘pay for things’, whether your Essence offers that ‘bill’ to you in the moment (shit that’s easy) or not (shit that’s hard).

Before we leave this however it’s important to answer 1 very common question and give you the 2 classic warnings, specifically aimed at Hedonists no less as the traditions have understood the potential for abusing Catharsis since the beginning of time. The question is simple – if all of these different emotions can be used in Catharsis why do they all feel so totally different? Easy, they are all from different spiritual parts of you, different aspects of your spiritual nature actually generate these emotions in the first place (if they are real), and these have specific locations in your body, that you feel along your spine. Not going to say much more than that, as it requires the Chakra discussion, which is way more detail than you need at this stage to do Method (there are loads more Chakras, better ‘Vortices’, than you have been told). We try and stay clear of classic (and now hugely simplified in the West) discussions of Eastern mythicism, as they lead people back to Woo Woo land, however in this case the aspects of your spine are VERY IMPORTANT once you have learned Catharsis, as you need to be able to place your mind in the correct location to benefit the most from a specific emotion. For example, Sex happens at the base of your spine, your Coxxcyx which is easy to understand and place as its a small region and your crap level of focus won’t spot that it moves. But most other emotions, ie passionate Love, Rage, Fear are less easy to place as you need to know their location can vary – the little known fact is that your Chakras actually move around, eg to find ‘your heart in your mouth’, etc. Therefore to put the location idea in your head now is actually useful for self-examination – yep, its not just what you feel but where you feel it…

The warnings, and I don’t mean to emphasize these too much, much as for many of you they define your whole life, whilst others will not have a clue what I’m talking about. The 1st is the easiest one – through your natural evolution in life you become obsessed with the ‘thrill’ of Catharsis and start to use more and more fake ways to ‘feel’ it, lessening it effect and progressively destroying yourself, your mental stability through massive stimulant use to make you more sensitive to your inaccurate, home-grown Catharsis. Along with this are the classic temptations to use suffering, pain/pleasure or extremes of pointless risk/danger to drive ever-increasing levels of the hit. Don’t think I need to say much about this as its the curse of the modern world, but if this is you then you need to read this post many times, and try and get the sacredness of what you are abusing, AND STOP. Many ‘everyday’ things can be used in moderation to achieve the goal, sex done well particularly, just as long as it is not JUST about the experience, as that is when it becomes dangerous, misunderstood, and abused.

The 2nd one is not obvious and requires a major leap for many of you, but some will understand it… The issue is with ‘borrowed’ Catharsis, other people’s power being used as your own, usually as a catalyst so you can either trigger or enhance your own Catharsis. There is no convincing people of this one, you either get it or you don’t, you have strange relationships with some people or you think they are your soul mates, kinda thing – its the magical way that person makes me feel, you say, you feel a connection. Some even become VERY sensitive to the energy from their pets (all relationships with animals have a sexual nature, its just you don’t feel it, they do..), as continual proximity to power in things you don’t resist can have an additive effect, which is a core reason why women particularly find perceived power erotic.

Now this comes and goes over the years, and usually, for the unschooled gifted causes little more than ‘strange episodes of life’, things you feel you don’t understand but often feel compelled to act on. HOWEVER, for the highly gifted it is also possible to go a little bit manic because of it, to be tripped into extreme behavior before you know what is happening, and you can ‘hurt yourself’. Some of these things will never leave you until you investigate them and find out why, understand that connection, even when the source of it is long gone. If this is you, think on, use it as a lever to step back and try to understand this connection, what exactly is happening here, see that it is your gift for many of you there actually is a ‘connection’, something quite real that is meant to happen, this is your Essence calling, the ‘call of the wild’ so to speak, and you should pay attention, really, as these opportunities don’t happen everyday. For the animals (who may be still reading) this effect is what turns you into an obsessive Parasite, if its strong enough it may even leave a residue of that someone else’s Gift in you, you become ‘sensitive’ to it. To be honest, I don’t really blame you – hell anything is better than being an animal – but just show some respect, it is not yours and can be taken off you in a heartbeat…

Right, the next bit of this post is actually more important than any instructions, any Method of Catharsis, because it has to come before the instructions, indeed the next Part defines the actual person, you don’t currently ‘use’, who MUST FOLLOW those instructions…

7th Secret Part 3. Your Deputy Steward is the King of all your focused development choices – without establishing this aspect of your personality you are fucked, it is over before it has begun, its all just ‘chance’, much as there is nothing random about ‘chance’ for the gifted, so better ‘fortune’… Classically this is called empowering an existing aspect of your mind, building this aspect (that is interested in this info) into what they (then) call the ‘Deputy Steward’ of yourself. It is not really a secret in itself as it is front and center of many Asian traditions, (I will do a separate post on the method of it), but you must nurture this part of your existing personality that is interested and values all this information, that is strong enough to control you and maintain your focus, at least for a certain period of time. You must ‘bring to the front of your mind’ this aspect of yourself by simply remembering to do it, then make judgments based on this aspect of yourself, not the rest of the crap. See, Deputy Steward is the person inside you that actually DOES SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT, THE REST OF YOU EITHER DOES NOT GIVE A DAMN OR ACTIVELY TRIES TO STOP YOU CHANGING.

Yep, you ever wondered why, in previous posts I have gone on and on about the need to change and how to do it.. so here is the BIG BLOODY REASON for that – ‘You’, as you sit there reading this, can’t YET do Catharsis mechanically, only by ‘accident’ or ‘unconsciously’. But, there is a part of you that can do it proactively, and we need to find them, and ‘you’ need to ‘use’ them to do all your development from now on. Think of this, for now, as a different Mode you go into when you are BEING spiritual, and start to refer to this baseline as ‘Deputy Steward’ – this part of your personality does not have total control over you just yet, but it can focus you for a while, and that is what we need to work with, to grow IF YOU ARE EVER TO GET ANYWHERE WITH SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. That part of you is who I am talking to right now, so please do TRY and give them the steering wheel…

Ahhhh… you say, so this Post is not about how to do Catharsis, THIS POST IS ABOUT DEPUTY STEWARD, and you would be right – see the ‘Deputy Steward’ of little old ‘you’ actually IS CATHARSIS, it is made of Catharsis. And if you continually direct your attention at developing Deputy Steward you will find the results of your Catharsis will go there – for some of you introverts they already do, you just don’t know how to manage it so it is wasted in overthinking or some other type of mania. Indeed, without this knowledge of Deputy Steward your other little fucked bits of personality will build themselves with Catharsis instead AND THAT IS A BAD THING. See, the rest of your little personalities are not on board this development train, they DON’T HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART AT ALL IN FACT, cause they are all rooted in modern Western lifestyle, so they are all totally fake, AND THEY DON’T WANT TO CHANGE, they will kick and scream to keep stupid little you in the hole of your current, petty existence. Know many highly gifted Hedonists are so anti-spirituality from a young age simply because they NEVER develop a Steward of themselves, as they never really GROW UP – they just ‘live fast, die young and stay pretty’. Hey, let us hope you have all got a little older in the last few years, shall we, as I really can’t be arsed wading through all that shit again…

Know that the MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THE 3 METHODS RIGHT NOW IS THE ONE YOU RESIST MENTALLY THE MOST, WHICH IN THIS CASE IS ALWAYS ‘DEPUTY STEWARD’. Right now, it is the establishment of some order in your personality you will struggle with, the ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SEED OF THE REAL YOU, YOUR ESSENCE, as that ordering of your personality is THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL GET ANYWHERE, THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN ‘TRY’ CONSISTENTLY. YOU NEED TO BUILD ON THE PART OF YOU THAT IS ‘INTERESTED’ IN THIS, YOU CAN NOT LEAVE THAT TO CHANCE IN OUR MODERN WORLD – YOU MUST PROACTIVELY START YOUR HERO’S JOURNEY, for the romantics amongst you. Yes, for the highly gifted amongst you, that journey IS ALWAYS there, waiting for any chance to show itself, to shout at you one more time, to show you the way…


So now we have to pull it all back together in the final sequence of this post, hit this hard for you, so you get this level of understanding: 

I base my whole teaching method on this single premise, what this 1st stable plateau of understanding is all about – SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT IS ABOUT BECOMING ‘WHAT’ YOU ARE, IN THE VERY CORE OF YOUR BEING, NOT THE TEDIOUS, BORING ‘WHO’ YOU HAPPEN TO BE RIGHT NOW THAT IS ALMOST ALL FAKE. SO YOU MUST START THAT TRANSITION NOW, BUT IN A WAY THAT DOES NOT STOP YOU FROM ACTING ‘WHO’ YOU ‘HAVE’ TO BE IN THE WORLD. See, this ‘Deputy Steward’ is a PRIVATE PART OF YOU that already exists (however small), that needs to be nurtured and grown like a plant in a greenhouse, not some nutter who runs down the street yelling they have found the way to turn ‘lead into gold’, much as CARTHISIS is what Sir Issac Newton actually meant by that…

To achieve this understanding, we need to give ‘you’ facts, based on the pattern matching techniques that your mind already uses, to create some ‘stable islands of understanding’ – create little packets of facts that are memorable, ‘charming’ and work together, little nursery rhymes if you will, THAT YOU GET, and then build them up together like lego. None of this is ‘one’ thing anymore, we are kicking it up a notch now, leaving the baby steps behind. In this vein, know the real goal of this post, the real secret in the way you should understand it, is that ‘YOU’ START TO VALUE THE ‘CATHARSIS’ MECHANISM AS THE FOCUS OF ALL ‘DEVELOPMENT’ VIA THE ESTABLISHMENT OF YOUR ‘DEPUTY STEWARD’. Get this – Deputy Steward is the first step in ALL REAL development, without it you are just pissing about, amusing yourself or fooling yourself, probably a bit of both…

Now, I could make it easier but then I would be slowing you down, see you need to start to understand these parts together in order to fully understand any of them separately – you need a stable and complete understanding of just enough information in order ‘to latch on to it’ as a pattern. Then it will start to work all by itself… So we have to be clever about this, we have to try and make sure the Righthand don’t know what the Lefthand is (REALLY) doing… My number one job as a tutor, and as a tutor of Hedonists, the hardest group to keep their (very) precious little attention span focused for even an hour, IS TO DEVELOP YOU DEPUTY STEWARD, and its one I know needs much, MUCH more effort than normal. And I mean way more, MUCH more than they used to have to do, preaching to a bunch of poor people, desperate to learn, sitting captive in an empty Hall in the middle of the wilderness, with nowhere to run, waiting for the free food while wondering if someone is ever going to turn the heating on.

However, ‘YOU’ will have the benefit of all this Knowledge that you can READ IN ADVANCE, plus a simple system to follow to enable you to use and grow your ‘Deputy Steward’ EVERYDAY, proactively, as that is what the use of the Performance aspect of method is initially about. This will be explained in the upcoming Secret of Walking – walking becomes the activity you use to put Deputy Steward in control of yourself AUTOMATICALLY, allowing them to grow and combine other bits of yourself into the ‘one’ who is interested in this stuff. I will teach you the trick to getting Deputy Steward to want to appear, to relax into this aspect of your character, for it to be your ‘happy place’, by combining many things you already like, as a Hedonist. Its so simple it is Genius – all the posture work I have so far taught you is brought together to change your state of mind, at will, so you can fight your tedious little Ego, and start to win… AND YOU ARE GOING TO NEED TO WIN.

Yep – the creation of ‘Deputy Steward’ as a conscious choice in yourself is the beginning of becoming ‘WHAT’ you actually are meant to be, and the beginning of leaving behind the little ‘who’ you have sadly turned out as. As I have said many times, KNOW THAT THE MESSY LITTLE ‘WHO’ YOU FALLEN INTO REALLY IS MEANINGLESS NOW…. IT’S TIME TO BE ‘WHAT’ YOU ARE, WHAT YOU WERE BORN TO BE, SHOULD YOU BE GIFTED.

All your sins can easily be forgiven, should you be willing to practice, but if you don’t, they will simply not only to continue to dominate your life, they will continue to build and build… Just keep it PRIVATE eh…. See Deputy Steward is like ‘Fight Club’ – you don’t talk about it to the civilians, even if they ask… YOU MUST LEARN TO ‘PERFORM’ DEPUTY STEWARD INTERNALLY ‘ON’ YOURSELF, YOU DON’T ‘USE’ YOURSELF, THE ‘YOUR ROLES’ SO ABSORBED IN EVERYDAY WORLDLY THOUGHT FOR ANY DEVELOPMENT. YOU MUST FIND DEPUTY STEWARD AND RAISE HE or SHE UP ABOVE YOUR EVERY DAY ‘YOU’, ALLOW THEM TO CONTROL YOUR PETTY, UNHAPPY, FUCKED UP LITTLE ‘YOU’. 

See, you need to slowly realize that normal ‘YOU’ is FALSE PERSONALITY, it is an ACT, OFTEN ONE OF MANY SEPARATE ACTS AS ROLES played out by YOU to suit whatever you happen to be doing or whomever you are with. They have no reality in themselves those roles, most are often little more than who you need to be at this moment, or that one, YOU don’t even like them it is just that, sadly, you have identified them through constant repetition – you have become absorbed in them. You can’t tell the difference anymore, you don’t even realize you are doing it anymore because its a habit – the sound of your voice, way you move and what you say, define you for the moment, in this little role or that one, that other people, used to one of your different roles, would not even recognize you. AND THAT IS ALL YOU ARE NOW – JUST ONE MESSY, SCATTERED REACTION TO YOUR EVER-CHANGING ENVIRONMENT. You are a FAKE, everyone is at the start. Wanna know how FAKE you are? Easy, watch how much you hate it when you think, as you often do, others are being FAKE with you, that they are conning you…

Get it? That is WHY Deputy Steward can’t be another Role, your Spiritual Role, how you act with your Yoga friends say, that is just more FAKE YOU. That’s why you never show Deputy Steward to anyone but your teacher or other 4th Wayers, if you have them, no one else will understand…  

To repeat – your habits will fight you, and you MUST FIND A WAY TO FIGHT BACK, even at the beginning when you are not best placed or motivated to do it. You must understand the need to go against yourself, so (hopefully) you will start to see everything I do at the start accepts this issue and is designed to help you get strong enough to FIGHT, something the ancients never bothered with, as those folks were different to the entitled race we have now become. Back then folks were motivated by the hardness of life, so anything like this was far more powerful and desirable than it looks to you, where ‘you’ trade this off in your mind against more comfort, hedonism and laziness, on judging yourself against your stupid little peer group. Ultimately all classic religious development is hamstrung by this ‘comfort of the modern world’, so I hope the effort I have put into empowering you this early is enough for some of you to ‘push back’ against yourself – TO GO AGAINST YOURSELF AS A POINT OF PRINCIPLE VIA THE ASPECT OF YOUR PERSONALITY THAT IS INTERESTED IN THIS – YOUR DEPUTY STEWARD. If not then all you are doing here is killing some time by reading some more of the internet, however gifted you are…

AGAIN – YOU MUST TRY, BECAUSE TRYING IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO AGAINST YOURSELF, AND YOU MUST GO AGAINST YOURSELF TO DEVELOP SPIRITUALLY. RIGHT NOW THAT ‘TRYING’ IS SIMPLY TO REMEMBER YOU NEED TO DO IT AND THEN TO ACTUALLY DO IT, TO ACT OUT WHAT I HAVE SAID TO DO. SEE, YOU MUST ‘GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS’ OF TRYING THESE ACTIVITIES AS IT IS A FORM OF COMMUNICATION WITH YOURSELF, IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU DON’T GET A RESULT IMMEDIATELY, YOU WILL ONLY GET A RESULT WHEN YOU HAVE ENOUGH POWER TO ‘DO’ IT, developed via the mechanism of CATHARSIS. You will never meet a new ‘partner’ if you don’t leave the ‘room’, then you will realise there are many rooms in your house, full of all kinds of folks. Become attached to the aspect of you that likes this stuff, grow your Deputy Steward, let it tell the rest of you what to do, to change your mind about all these old, repetitive ‘situations’ – give it a break and let it play, let it off the lead and allow it to love this stuff, and it will start to love the rest of ‘fucked up little you’ back…

You MUST establish your Deputy Steward as the one who manages you, or you have already failed – you will never be strong enough or consistent enough to do anything spiritually otherwise, all of this becomes then is simply an intellectual exercise, and how ‘sad’ is that. With Deputy Steward, all of this is actually quite easy, so your EFFORT MUST GO INTO DEVELOPING THIS ASPECT OF YOUR CHARACTER, AS YOUR DEFAULT PERSONALITY SETTING. If you require more motivation than I have given you already know this – there is a VERY simple trick to Catharsis as a process that can ONLY BE DONE BY YOUR DEPUTY STEWARD, via the part of you that does not ‘identify’ with the experience of the emotional content that is the fuel for Catharsis. You, little silly ‘you’ identify with everything, that is the bloody definition of ‘you’, to be frank, you are your environment, and you can struggle for decades even with all the insight I have given you above and still fail, or you can learn Deputy Steward, the beginning of ‘I’ and succeed.

So we end now, so remember:

  • This is Spiritual Method, its not Cardio, where you can make progress during the exercise itself, get better at the method during the method. This is BodyBuilding, you just give 100% of your focus for the time allotted and stop, happy that you have simply completed it. Progress comes offline, maybe even as a sudden insight, maybe you will see the next time you Try.
  • You don’t Focus on How you do the Method, you do the Method in an ambivalent manner, off hand even, try different ways of doing it, mess around with it, that may feel better, or maybe you did not understand the instructions. Don’t force yourself to do it exactly the way you ‘think’ you should.
  • You do Focus on watching yourself do the Method, you observe yourself, as intently as possible, to a very high level of detail if possible. Even better if you feel emotional for some other reason, and you know to do the method then cause that will actually help the method work.

However, before the wash-up, I wanted to talk about one of our own little discussions, specifically the fact that it has become increasingly clear we need a ‘new model’ for the system that fits our times like their models fitted their times. So I’m going to slowly start to use a new one for developing and using your spiritual self in the everyday world, that covers every aspect you will need to USE this, to BE this, consciously, by developing your Gong. Yes, you need a thought model, a memory aid, so I’m going to teach you to learn how to DRIVE yourself spiritually as if you are an electric car. This car ‘model’ is an original invention of mine that dramatically improves your ability to remember and link all the bits together, while moving on from all the ancient ones that are no longer relevant in the modern world, sadly.

Much as I’ll always love the Zen Ox herding classic, modern folks simply don’t get the subtleties of it, you all seem to need to remember spiritual development techniques as a sort of personal ‘technology’, which in many ways it actually is, so I’ll do that for you, however inelegant and crass its feels to me… Via this ‘new’ modeling process, you will get what Catharsis is, how it works, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) how it fits together with everything else – YOU WILL REMEMBER IT, BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE THE MENTAL PATTERN I’M GOING TO BASE IT ON IN YOUR HEAD. More in the next post…

Wash Up, there are several crucial takeaways from this post I’m going to list, give you this on a plate, something to baseline… Please, read them over and over until you ‘feel’ them… 

  • Don’t worry… nobody gets Deputy Steward at the start (unless you are a hardcore introvert), I just hope you now understand why you NEED DEPUTY STEWARD. If not then read this whole post again.. Deputy Steward is the beginning of your ‘I’, a stable ‘you’ who you want to develop and is very different from all the other ‘yous’ you have in your vocabulary. You will only really get this when you have those first wonderful moments when you realize its not you talking, having this argument, or formulaic conversation with your parents when you observe yourself going through the motions AND realize you can’t say anything else other than what that set in stone mental pattern wants you to say. ALL YOU CAN DO IS NOT SAY IT. As a start for 10 with this try and think back to something you wish you had not said becuase you were not in control, an argument or such like, then try and catch yourself next time the same situation arises. Then, later you will be able to say some gibberish, something you force out that is not a pre-defined pattern (like an early Zen student) and then the control will come quite quickly. At the start it’s about being able to stop your patterns from acting out, to be ‘still’, as right now you can’t do it, as you are not even aware of your patterns. Later you will be in total control, when you have a full ‘Steward’, an actual ‘I’, who can boss all the other ‘yous’ around, and then you can actually start the main process of development, as it will be the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS, should you get that far…
  • My focus is on DEVELOPING GIFTED HEDONISTS, the high libidos, the rock and roll types, as most highly gifted Westerners fall into this category BUT never do (even know) anything about spirituality, rather than the desperate or religious who naturally gravitate toward it. I have already changed much of the classic beginning to deal with your No1 problem as a GIFTED HEDONIST, the fact that your Ego, your false personality, and your total lack of self-consciousness will hamper (if not totally stop) your progress early in any attempt to develop yourself, to change. See you have little in the way of a Deputy Steward, and what is there is usually focused on empty, short-term, self-destructive thrill-seeking, chasing ‘quality-of-life’, rather than the development of an overarching desire for Quality-In-Yourself, Perfection in all things. See TO DEVELOP DEPUTY STEWARD is totally unnatural for you, as a creation of the modern world you waste yourself on Hedonism. Your otherwise huge potential to develop Deputy Steward is often wasted on the curse of ‘Over Thinking’ random crap, particularly if you have a highly realized Essence – that ‘what’ you are is very close to the surface of your conscious mind because it is very powerful or you are very weak, for women probably both.    
  • THIS IS THE LEFTHAND PATH TAUGHT USING THE METHODS OF THE 4TH WAY. There are many, MANY different ways to follow the Lefthand path but most of them (all the ones you may have heard off) require a MONASTIC ENVIRONMENT, to devote your life to it, TO DO NOTHING ELSE BUT IT. The part-time version of this rubbish is what New age spirituality has become in the West and it’s a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. THE 4TH WAY ACCEPTS THAT ‘YOU’ CAN NOT COMMIT TO THAT, therefore we have to replace that structure with BOOK LEARNING – reading these posts. You will not be able to sit with a Master every day and asks questions after practicing Method for 16hrs, you won’t get to sit listening to sermons in an Asana using the Mudra of the day, or spend hour upon hour reading sutras, you won’t even get to follow a highly regimented work regime, losing yourself through hard graft in nature, nope. So you can’t do Zen, you CAN ONLY DO BITS OF ZEN, PARTIAL BADLY TRANSLATED, MISUNDERSTOOD CRAP, AND THAT IS WORSE THAN USELESS…
  • THIS POST IS ALSO A TEST FOR THE GIFTED, a test on a whole other level to the others – you will not be able to handle this level of complexity, this ‘step up’ otherwise, as you need to ‘value’ this information emotionally, to rate it, outside of its intellectual content. Only the gifted can do this, only they can see through the flat structure of the ‘words on the page’, and start to feel the value of certain things and order them in importance according to that feeling. Therefore you will need to read this post many times over in order to help with that. You will need aspects of this information to ‘hit’ harder than others and start to ‘know’ its important, even when you can’t quite understand why – to know intuitively and judge on that basis, not the basis of your existing patterns, which are most likely just ‘opinions’.
  • I will leave the further specific reveals until later but it is worth saying this now – EVERYTHING I write on this Blog fits into 1 of the 3 Types of Method listed in the 3rd layer of the system above – every secret is a form of, and has its main focus on a METHOD, either Knowledge, Practice or Performance. This is the first post to focus on all 3 because it HAS TO, but majors on Knowledge (as all early ones have to), and all such posts are designed not just to give you facts, but to actively put the correct ‘patterns’ in your mind, so those patterns can fight back against the other dross and opinions you have built up. See I’m not going to explain the method of Catharsis in this post, that will be the example I use later, but it is VERY IMPORTANT YOU UNDERSTAND CATHARSIS AT A BASIC LEVEL BEFORE YOU START TO PRACTICE IT. Trust me – Knowledge is a BIG PART OF METHOD, and it has little to do with learning facts ‘off by heart’ – it is ‘CHANGING YOUR MIND’, LITERALLY.
  • The Performance aspect (what do all the time, outside of dedicated Practise) of Method via Deputy Steward is crucial, as it is to all normal spiritual traditions, with their totally regulated monastic lifestyles BUT is TOTALLY IGNORED in the West, because you are not a Nun or a Monk, none of us are… HOWEVER, you MUST replace the everyday, every hour focused aspect of the method they are using if you want to get ANYWHERE, IF YOU WANT TO FEEL IT. See the performance aspect of Method is where you both invite and direct the results of spiritual progress into ‘you’, by just trying certain types of activities (way before you have the POWER to available to do them) AND crucially stop resisting them. If you don’t do this then ANY and ALL development you may stumble upon is TOTALLY WASTED, as that energy won’t get used, it won’t ACCUMULATE, it won’t know what you want to do with it. Get it – yep that energy is intelligent, it goes to where you TRY and use it FIRST. BUT ‘YOU’ MUST TRY – YOU MUST GIVE YOUR DEPUTY STEWARD ENOUGH CONTROL TO DO IT FOR ‘YOU’, as that is what we actually mean by ‘TRYING’ your effort goes into finding, using and growing Deputy Steward, who then does Development for YOU, with little or no effort. Genius eh?


I hope many of you reading this have enough life experience and ‘realized gift’ to already HAVE SOME (INTROVERTED) SEED OF DEPUTY STEWARD ACTIVE in yourself, some sense of self-reflection from some struggle you survived perhaps, you are some level of ‘grown-up’… HOWEVER, I know from long experience there is a certain type of highly gifted (particularly the more flakey, immature ‘muse’ type) who gets very scared at this point, it hits too hard, you feel tense and anxious just reading it, and YOU WANT TO STOP BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER BECAUSE OF THAT, perhaps best described as a type of performance anxiety – you feel the truth of it too intensely and it’s just too much for you. My advice is simply to go away now and come back and read it all again, take it easy… That reaction suggests that this stuff will shortly become the rest of your life, so there is no need to panic, just get used to it for now, let it dye your soul, to use the Christian metaphor. Know that you are an extremely good candidate for this, you just need to get a bit ‘older’, a bit more ‘unhappy’ with yourself, see your own ‘mediocrity’, your own slavery, as that will help. Being bought up poor is really no excuse for settling for less than you could be, just because you have more than your folks had to give you. Indeed, you seem to scare real easy, and that’s kinda pathetic really…

Anyway, I know it’s a lot to take in and I will cover the Method of your Deputy Steward again several times as it will be a constant thread now – the next level. But for now, know this – EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING I HAVE WRITTEN ON THIS BLOG, ALL THESE POSTS SINCE THE START ARE DESIGNED TO ESTABLISH YOUR DEPUTY STEWARD. See, in the beginning, this part of yourself is so important that NOTHING ELSE, NO MATTER HOW INSIGHTFUL AND EARTH SHATTERING REALLY MATTERS AT ALL. Deputy Steward must become strong enough to become your Default ‘Character’, what you ‘are’ when you are NOT FORCED TO play other life roles, who you are in ‘yourself’, the one who actually watches you play these life roles whilst knowing they ARE NOT YOU.

Yes, EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE ON THIS BLOG IS TO INTEREST YOU HEDONISTS ENOUGH THAT DEPUTY STEWARD HAS STARTED TO TAKE HOLD, START TO PUT DOWN ROOTS AND GROW, HOWEVER SMALL THAT HAS BEEN SO FAR. That is the point of so much of this stuff – The Ride is part of this, as are all the posts before this one. I have re-ordered and changed the emphasis of several elements of the classic teaching to help you, to strengthen you, to build a center of gravity in your mind that ‘pulls you back to this’, a certain level of interest in all of this, a higher valuation of this information.

I make no apologies for this, it’s important – ALL OF WHAT IS BEFORE THIS POST IS DESIGNED TO HOOK THE GIFTED, and make a part of you ‘want’ to try. Indeed make you NEED to TRY because your Deputy Steward, in your quiet moments of introspection at least, can then ‘take the wheel’, and get you to think better thoughts for a while, to judge you… what TRYING actually IS… But…. YOU MUST REMEMBER TO DO IT, GOT THAT? Wear some meaningful jewelry, get a tattoo, wear a thigh garter, a neck choker, high heels, OR don’t use any of these classic Royal reminders (all of the above were actually invented for this purpose), do whatever works for you, JUST FIND A WAY TO REMEMBER TO DO IT, BUILD YOUR DEPUTY STEWARD AS AN ASPECT OF YOUR PERSONALITY THAT WANTS TO DO IT, WANTS TO CHANGE. 

Please, accept this now or leave – I’d rather you fail out than hurt yourself. Yes, I know, I’ve not told how to do CATHARSIS yet, just really get that you need to do Deputy Steward FIRST and read the Secret of Walking post that tells you how to do it, now you know what it’s for…. If you don’t then your attempts at emotional transformation would be little more than bad, half-assed Tantric Sex, or some form of Suffering like a Stoic fool, none of which really goes anywhere fast. YOU MUST TURN THE LIGHT ON, THE LIGHT OF DEPUTY STEWARD, then you will see BUT even more important than that you WILL NOT FORGET IT, when your fears, your addictions, your life roles and petty dramas get in the way.

Yes, finally KNOW THIS FOR CERTAIN – WITHOUT DEPUTY STEWARD YOU WILL NOT VALUE CATHARSIS ON THE RIGHT SCALE, AND HENCE FORGET ALL OF THIS IN JUST A FEW DAYS, AT THE BEGINNING REMEMBERING EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME IS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT. Without this change, without this ‘aid memoir’, your existing mental patterns will crush these magical revelations like an ant on a garden path, and you will go right back to sleep…

Now remember what I said at the beginning of the post, 22000 words ago…? Know what one thing that all happy and successful people have as a fundamental part of their character? THEY ARE RUTHLESS. I don’t mean the common English usage of the word, I mean they are not swayed easily against their own BETTER opinion, because they show now mercy TO THEMSELVES. Start now to find that part of you that can be RUTHLESS with the rest of you… IT IS ONE OF THE BEST TRICKS TO LIFE, as that part of you already knows LIFE IS SHORT, SO there are actually VERY FEW IMPORTANT THINGS. That is why they are RUTHLESS with the bits of themselves that GET IN THE WAY, they know nothing really matters, in a few years you will be dead, all the crap you have accumulated will be thrown out or sold off, your relationships will forget you, your pets will forget you and all your socials will be deleted, because you are dead and a few years later no one will even remember you were alive. Take a step back and look at all of yourself in the ‘mirror’ – nothing you currently do matters, so what the fuck are you worried about, GET ON WITH IT, make your mark – there is no value being a herd animal in a field, walking from the same corner to corner every day, waiting to be killed and eaten, just because they feed you regular and some of them are nice to you, so you are nice to them, while they sit back and laugh at you – your such a good little doggy…

Always tell yourself this.. it will help… rejoice when you beat down some petty fear, or lazy mediocre part of yourself, as that is the evil crap that is stopping you from BEING WHO YOU WERE BORN TO BE, should you be gifted, and that is the WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF LIFE. See, that petty ‘suffering’ the GIFTED feel in going against yourself is A CATHARTIC GIFT FROM YOUR ESSENCE, LEARN THE THRILL OF BEING RUTHLESS WITH YOURSELF, USE IT, ENJOY IT, ENJOY BEING RUTHLESS IN THE MOMENT, THATS WHY LEFT-HAND PATH TYPES ‘LOVE’ THE FEELING OF BEING RUTHLESS, THAT IS WHY THEY DO IT, LIVE BY IT. UNDERSTAND – THAT IS WHAT ‘POWER OVER YOURSELF’ FEELS LIKE – IT IS NOT INTELLECTUAL, IT IS NOT SATISFACTION AFTER THE FACT, IT IS A ‘THRILL IN THE MOMENT’, exactly like the other sadly useless thrills you already chase, just because they are easier… Learn it, and then you can change your whole tedious, petty existence in 5 short mins. Once you do this simple little LIGHT SWITCH change, you become a REAL seeker on the Left Hand Path, you have a seat at the table BECAUSE you will start to actually TRY, TRY LIKE YOU ‘WANT IT’.

See the Cathartic power generated via the suffering of ‘going against yourself’, by being RUTHLESS with yourself, will be enough to develop Deputy Steward for the gifted. THAT IS THE WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING POINT OF ALL OF THIS ‘NEED TO CHANGE’. AND IT IS EASY. Genius Eh? But don’t thank me yet for this amazing gift I’ve given you, JUST FUCKING DO IT, then you can thank me properly when your thanks actually have some value to folks like me…

Know the next 2 Secrets, ‘Girding Your Loins’ and ‘Walking’ will be much easier as they follow on from this, BUT you must always return to this one until you can feel it, read it until you have burnt it onto your mind…   

To finish now – time to read you the classic Left-Hand path warning, arguably the core reason that this path actually exists… If nothing else, for the gifted amongst you, I hope you truly understand you must deal with your gift, your Essence as if you don’t it will go on and ON trying to realize itself in your everyday world, by whatever means it can. It will never stop, indeed if you don’t have children it will just get worse and worse, and for the highly gifted even having children won’t make much difference. Your life will become a sequence of random, often highly repetitive, negative episodes, and unless you are particularly blessed you will become increasingly troubled and frustrated, you will get it wrong. See there is no fighting your Essence, no forcing it to change, you must change to suit it, ‘work with it’, through understanding it, and what it is trying to do, so YOU CAN USE IT, but without letting it dominate you. In the immortal words of Stevie Wonder – ‘If you believe in things you don’t understand you will suffer, superstition ain’t the way’…

UNDERSTAND YOURSELF, KNOW YOURSELF AND THEN CHANGE SO YOU CAN MAKE IT WORK BETTER, THERE IS NO CHOICE. Yep, there is a really good reason that phrase is carved in stone and sits to this day above the entrance to the temple of Apollo at the Delphic Oracle – Γνῶθι σεαυτόν, ‘Know Thyself’, along with the little known other 2 Delphic Maxims, ‘Surety Brings Ruin’, and ‘Nothing in Excess’. But don’t be worrying about those just yet – in reality, there are 147 ancient Greek rules to live by, and that is just way too much for your simple slave mindset… What? they didn’t tell you this stuff?.. those bastards and their fucking ‘Society…’, eh, randomly editing the truth so the masses can cope with it, again…

Sooooooo…… you made it to the END of this one – CONGRATULATIONS, given I hope you did not skip right here like a clever little dick, always looking for some petty advantage. Learn anything about ‘yourself’? Do you understand some of this yet at a level you can ‘remember it’, even ‘know’ a little more now? Did you find the struggle ‘rewarding’ at least? Cool… I hope so. At least now maybe you can relax and have some confidence in this stuff can you not? You can stop ‘competing with it’, stop trying to pick it apart so you feel a bit cleverer and less stupid about what you have done in the past – better just to take the ‘loss’ of that self-absorbed shit on the chin I’d say… Maybe just take in the grand sweep of it, appreciate it on another level, if you can, find a little of that grand style in yourself, at least for a moment. Then let it do its work… silently and effectively in the back of your mind, before returning to read it again and AGAIN.

Ahhh…. you want to know when these patterns start to work, you want a sign? Sure, just for you – first you will start to develop a newfound RESPECT for this stuff, to ‘value it’ more than you used to… then, you will start to feel that same type of newfound RESPECT toward YOURSELF, you will start to develop a sense of personal HONOUR, when you realize you may well be the custodian of something very special, in terms of your Essence… Yeah, I know – there was you thinking you’ve been on your ‘own’ all this fucking time, eh? Well, at least now you know why you are so shit at making ‘better’ life choices, why your BEST SELF, YOUR GIFTED SELF, IS ACTUALLY YOUR ‘WORSE’ SELF, at least for now… Ahhhh, the irony eh? but don’t worry – same for us all, at the beginning…

So what are you going to do now, I wonder… Anyway, that’s it for this ‘exercise in style’, it will be a while before there is anything important enough to need another one. In the meantime just know I’m not trying to prove to you that we are smarter, quicker, meaner, cooler than you just so you ‘want’ to ‘BE’ like us, to motivate you in a ‘crass’, normal way – this is not better gang or group of friends. I WANT TO MOTIVATE YOU TO BE WHO ‘YOU’ ARE IN THE CORE OF YOUR ‘BEING’, because you have no other choice – you evolve or you burn. So this way is always the way of the ‘good’ bad people, the intelligent hedonist, the righteous gangster, the noble killer, the gentleman bastard, or whatever the word was, and will be in the future. But hey, if you have got this far, you already know all of this, you already ‘get it’, it’s just washed away, every day by all the other crap in your head… So here it is, laid out plain and simple in a modern style, with the correct words, correct order, as it was written down 100s, 1000s, 10,000s of years ago, so you can ‘see it clear now’, so you can REMEMBER IT.

We end this now for today, so it’s time for the last big reward after all your struggle to get to the end. For many of you its the most shocking bit of the Carthasis story, however implicit it has been thus far, with no bold or red, in a big fat para of bland text, so we can hide it from the ‘unworthy’ – THE GOLDEN KEY TO THE LEFT-HAND PATH… Always Remember – you may be special, but you are far from unique, everything has happened before… even this. See we know how this works in real life because we have done it, so we know you are not damned in the eyes of the Left-hand path by repetitive badass, thrill-seeking behavior, you are recommended by it, should you be gifted, EVEN IF YOU CHOOSE TO GO ON WITH IT, for now. You HAVE TO start from where you are, start to understand Catharsis in your life, you DON’T get all hyper-sensitive or strange or scared or spooky or religious – none of that shit works. You DON’T THROW THE BABY OUT WITH THE BATH WATER, keep the ‘game’ you already have, keep it rolling, and use it ‘on’ this, use Catharsis to build on it, build onwards and UPWARDS, standing on the shoulders of the ‘animal’ in you. USE WHAT YOU HAVE NOW TO START, as whatever state your ‘Gifted Self’ is currently in will be a hell of a lot better than starting from NOTHING, like an animal. If you try to start again from scratch, try and be CORRECT, GOOD, MORAL, HONEST, and DECENT like some desperate Westerner you will fail almost immediately and fail totally, you will give up because of one or two little mistakes, which you are bound to make… No, see YOU EVOLVE ON THIS PATH, YOU ARE NOT BORN AGAIN, you don’t have to go backward and force yourself to change, in a way that you will ‘hate’ as that is failing before you have even begun – ‘hating’ any change ‘kills it’. No, see this way you ‘grow out of it’, that is how Deputy Steward works, you learn and change at a pace to suit you, and then change some more because you want to, a truly ‘delicious’ feeling, trust me. So pick one aspect of any of the secret posts so far, one you ‘don’t mind’, you are ‘ok with’, that’s ‘easy’ for you, and DO IT, all the time – just as long as it creates no tension in you whatsoever. Then learning to enjoy the changes will come VERY quickly as you will stop hating struggle at an animal level and enjoy it on another level – you must ‘learn how to’ struggle to change without creating ANY tension or resistance to it, then it stops being a ‘struggle…’ and you experience it as a ‘thrill’, what Daoists call ‘Wu Wei’, effortless action. Tension is always the enemy of development, the enemy of life, it can build and build and you end up chasing the limited Catharsis of hedonism like a lunatic, just to get back to bloody normal, while the tension just gets worse and worse, oppressing you, limiting you. Deal with it separately via the Ride, that is what it is there for, why I wrote that post so early on for you, then you can actually really enjoy Catharsis, rather than just the pitiful little relief from the underlying tension, from RESISTANCE, that it currently gives you…

Is that ok with you? See this way everyone reading at least has SOME chance, and for some of you actually an EXCELLENT CHANCE, indeed some of you will have been ‘trying’ to develop your Essence for literally decades, just without any real clue what the Catharsis you have been chasing actually is, what it does, what it’s ‘for’. But now you do, now you can actually understand what the little ‘game’ you may already possess is, and can start to build on it, in a calm, lighted hearted manner, still playing your normal roles with the animals if it suits you, while keeping your gift for the gifted, should you know any… BUT WHATEVER HAPPENS, DO NOT BECOME DESPERATE, THIS PATH IS SPECIFICALLY NOT FOR THE DESPERATE, THE MENTALLY ILL, this is the main point of this last little speech, and its an important one. Yes, there is a very good reason I have constantly warned against this since the beginning of this blog, as there are many generally gifted people who fall into this trap and there is no easy way back – it is a very common end for the unschooled gifted, who ‘don’t understand’, who become tortured by ‘it’. But if you focus on developing that sense of yourself as the ongoing evolution of something very special, (that is already there) you will easily avoid it, and avoid it you must… KEEP HOLD OF THE SENSE OF YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES. Accept that the modern, weaponized Christian values of Western society are little more than a placeholder at best, and replace them with your own personal values, the value of personal quality, of personal conscience, of ‘virtu’ in all things, then ‘you’ will work a whole lot better, indeed YOU WILL REALLY ENJOY THIS TRIP – who knows, you may even start to stop being scared all the fucking time. Just keep it to yourself, eh…as often gifted folks can be shocked at just how parasitic even their closest relationships are, and just how much the others will try and stop you once you start, which is actually a really good sign you are doing something right. Don’t worry about that shit for now, just remind yourself that your ‘obligation’, ‘sympathy’, ‘duty of care’ are often just the same old fears in a more acceptable form and remember these little words of everyday truth from R.Downey Jr – ‘Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway’. There really is no reason to constantly explain yourself, and stopping that habit is a very effective response to the criticism of others as it creates the ‘distance’ you actually need to be Aristo, to simply ignore (and I mean not even notice) the meaningless crap of others rather than ‘have’ to ‘consider’ it all the fucking time, so you can start to stop your thoughts, moods, emotions being dominated by the petty but continual noise of your outside world. Yes… see actually ‘being’ an Aristocrat is not just about being the ‘best’ you can be, the original, ancient Greek word also means the ‘most fitting’ you can be, why it is ‘your best’, the most fitting to the real ‘you’ – your Essence. That is what this sacred word Aristocrat really means, why we use it, indeed, some of you may be very surprised to find those Aristocratic ‘attitudes’ have been sitting there, waiting ever so patiently for you to ‘cop on’ (as the Irish say), the whole fucking time – yep, your Deputy Steward is an Aristocrat.

See how easy this all is now, see how you already ‘know’, know what to do, how to do it, it’s already part of you…? No? LMFAO… ahhh well, do try and understand…. some of you have ALREADY chosen the way of the GIFTED HEDONIST IN THE STREAM OF CATHARSIS = THE PATH OF THE ARISTOCRAT. That is your path, don’t matter a damn you did not ‘know’ what you were doing, the consequence of the choice you made. See it has been ‘defined’ by what you are doing NATURALLY, you are committed by your actions from years, decades ago, there is no going back as you Essence will NEVER LET YOU – ‘you’ learn to swim or ‘you’ drown in the emotion of it. Ohhhhh, its not that? You already understand that logically, you kinda get the ‘story’ already? Cool, but what the hell is it then that you don’t get? OH MY GOD – you just don’t ‘get’ what Catharsis actually ‘is in the moment’, are you fucking kidding me? Ok, THIS IS CATHARSIS, put your headphones on, turn it way UP and watch = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9pWXNi3EdU. Yep, not very ‘Spiritual’ at all really, or so you had come to believe, you fool…

But anyway – hey, you don’t get this now, if you don’t understand, relate to the feeling ‘personally’, then stop reading my blog – seriously, without any everyday experience of higher emotions, if everything you feel is simple ‘instinct’, little more than the biological effect of petty fear/desire/boredom(the simple lack of fear or desire), you are just wasting your time here. Yep, for the gifted, the richness, depth, and complexity of your emotions define your spiritual level, developed through the continual use of Catharsis and usually experienced through the transient sense of ‘connection’ to this or that you often feel ‘out of the blue’. Later these emotions will become ‘everything’ to you, if they have not done so already for a lucky few, however much of a curse you currently consider your nascent ‘conscience’ emotions to be – these emotions literally lift you out of your animal mind state. You must learn how to ‘succumb’ to those feelings whilst still being ‘in control’ by forcing that ‘sense of connection’ at will, the connection to ‘yourself’, rather than letting something else do it ‘to you’. This is the first conscious step on the Aristocratic path as it enables Deputy Steward AND allows you to ‘style it out’, as da kids say, all the motherfucking time… But we are getting too far ahead now, just have a play around with consciously feeling that sense of connection, remembering the awareness when it currently happens ‘out of your control’, often/usually associated with the behaviors of your ‘worse self’. It will be a while before I write another post at this level, but should you be interested go and find a decent translation of Plato’s ‘Symposium’ online and skip to Socrates’ speech on the Love of the Beautiful at the end, or the Diotima’s ‘Ladder of Love’ as new agers call it (it’s not a ladder its a layer cake, an example of the ‘Law of Scale’), should you wish to read ahead… 

Quote to end as always – love a good John Boorman film me, and much that I know he never bettered ‘Deliverance’ let’s keep it medieval shall we, my favorite time period, as it is for many 4th wayers for reasons I have revealed above. These are the words he chooses to put in the mouth of Merlin, when he tries to talk to the ‘knights of the round table’, after the big victory in his excellent rendering of THE seminal British 4th-way fairy tale that is ‘Excaliber’. Yes, its a 900-year-old Chivalric Romance, from one of the 3 great Western Canons of Literature, the ‘Matter of Britain’, now so sadly neglected, a tragic tale of the sword in the stone, of Arthur and the Grail Quest, of the ‘Lady in the Lake’ and Uther Pendragon himself…. the Left-hand path as pure metaphor…

STAND BACK! Be silent! Be still!… That’s it… and look upon this moment. Savor it! Rejoice with great gladness! Great gladness! Remember it always, for you are joined by it. You are One, under the stars. Remember it well, then… this night, this great victory. So that in the years ahead, you can say, ‘I was there that night, with Arthur, the King!’ For it is the doom of men that they forget.” – Merlin



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